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⚠Warning: May not be applicable to some readers.

Safoora POV:

"So what will it be?" Paxton smirked, taking dangerous strides towards me with a sharp needle-point knife in his hand, twirling the hilt carelessly like it was something common to see everyday. His eyes pierced me with the warning of danger while his menacing smirk rose higher and higher like the hieght of drowning tides. 

"Is it rape or... death you choose?" He asked, his venomous smirk only widening by the minute. My chest rose and fell with panic as I took catious steps back, my back eventually colliding with the wall. A dead end.

My eyes frantically roamed around my dark bedroom for an escaping route as my thundering heart desperately screamed for survival. Why were the lights turned off, why was everything dark? 

This was the exact reason why I didn't want Abu Hurairah's friends in the house. I knew I would be in their hands now or later, it would just be a matter of time. Where was Abu Hurairah in the first place?

"There is no escape, Safoora." He hissed sharply, his deadly eyes wandering to the open window beside my bed as he unconsciously played with his sharp blade with the edges of his fingers. "That's the only way out other than the door that I have bolted. You'll die if you jump out."

 Suicide was haraam, I couldn't do that. I eyed the door, it was my only way out. If I was going to die... I was going to die trying

With a heavy inhale, I dashed for the door as panic surged through my body. But before I could thumb in the passcode for the lock, Paxton had fisted the back of my hood and lunged me close to him forcefully, my back colliding with his chest. "I told you, there's no escape. So, have you chosen, is it rape or death?" He repeated with gnashed teeth, his cold blade threatening to slash my bare throat. "I would suggest rape, you'll still live."

"I choose death." I spat in his face confidently. I was never enrolling myself in Allah's bad books even if it meant sacrificing my life.

"Are you sure?" He asked reluctantly, his eyes softening with remorse and guilt. His hand wavered away from my throat as he gulped hard looking into my eyes. 

"You know, Abu Hurairah would feel betrayed if you harm me? I thought you're his best friend?" I pressed. Would Abu Hurairah even feel betrayed? I don't think so.

He hesitated, gulping hard, his eyes flickering with emotions as he let me go, his arms flailing to his side as he pinched the bridge of his nose with stress and annoyance. "I don't even want to do this shit!" 

He doesn't want to do this? Why was he even doing this in the first place then? Was he being forced in this?

"You don't have to do this." I convinced Paxton, sympathizing with his situation. Even though I could make a dash towards the door right now, I decided to confront him. My brain was disgusted with him while my heart pushed me to forgive this man. Why can't I be a normal human being and just call the cops after bolting the door open?

"Shut up! You don't even know anything about my life." Paxton hissed, his eyes blazing with warning again as he unclenched and clenched his hands on the hilt of his knife striding towards me again dangerously. "I wish there was a way out of this toxic life, I could have spared your life from this torture. Do you think I really want attack you with my own will? Have you ever wondered if someone was behind my actions controlling me?"

In the corner of my eyes, a tall slender silhouette jumped in through the open window like a ninja, her feet silently connecting with the floorboard as she entered. As the figure neared, her gender was more revealing, she was too slender to pass for a man. A girl clad in black-and-white converse, hooded leather jacket,  black jeans that hugged her legs and a black shirt peaking out from her jacket approached us. Her face covered with a black mask as if she was a bandit or thief working for a dark lord. Both her hands were covered with black leather fingerless-gloves as she clenched her hands into fists. "What the f*ck?" She screamed, dashing towards Paxton and pushing him roughly on the ground, pouncing on him. "What do you want with her?"

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