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⚠ Warning: May contain extreme graphic narration. It might not be applicable for some readers!

Hawa POV:

Nothing felt right.

The dark night was consumed with dreadful noises building goosebumps on my skin, I sat on the sofa with my head on my knees trying to muffle out all my useless fear. I hated being alone!

Right now, the intensity of my fear was more than normal, my heart palpitated loudly in my rib cage and anxiety clenched me tightly from every side. Something was wrong with me, I knew that... but I am choosing to ignore it for now. There were bigger problems in my hands, Safoora was supposed to be home by now after seeing the doctor... what happened to her?

I took my phone out and texted Huzaifah, I needed someone home badly. My heart beat accelerated with terror and my skin felt nervously cold and clammy. Something was not right here.

Me: Huzaifah where is Safoora?

Huzaifah's text instantly popped up.

Huzaifah: Isn't she and Abu Hurairah home yet? There are suppose to be home!

Me: No, they are not. Safoora is suppose to be with you, you are supposed to bring her home! I am scared... I'm really scared!

Huzaifah: I trusted Abu Hurairah to get her home

Me: WHAT! Why him, he's careless about everything?

Huzaifah: I trusted him!

Me: I don't! He's my brother, I know him more. He's irresponsible and careless. I am mad at you, inexpressibly mad. I don't care, right now... find where she is. She might be in danger!

I shut my phone off and panicked, reciting any verse that flooded my mind. Fear was tormenting my heart, I prayed that Safoora was fine wherever she was.

My thoughts were shattered at the sound of heavy banging on the door, my heart leaped at my throat and I rushed towards the door grabbing a scarf and wrapping it hastily around my head.

I banged the door open but the frightening sight before me had left throat dry. My eyes grew wide and I froze in my spot stabbed with terror, Abu Hurairah pushed past me with a frail and unconscious Safoora in his arms. Safoora's face was burning red from fever and her body looked ten times worse than the time she left the house with Huzaifah. 

"Call a doctor Hawa, now!" Abu Hurairah commanded authoritatively, taking Safoora to his room.

Panic surged through me, he didn't need to tell me twice. Fear caught at my throat and I ran towards the kitchen with the remaining strength at my feet. The fridge was where Uncle Benyamin and Aunt Sarah hung the emergency contacts of their doctor colleagues. I quickly scrolled through the paper and called a random female doctor, telling them our dire situation and to come here as fast as they could. Safoora's condition seemed inexpressibly bad!

Why did Huzaifah have to trust Abu Hurairah? What did Abu Hurairah do to her?

With a quickening pace, I ran up the stairs towards Abu Hurairah's room half mad with terror and rage. I was so going to rip him apart, there was something called love and caring in marriage that failed to reach his genius head.

I barged in their room, breathing heavily I looked at Safoora's disfigured and pained state on the bed. "Safoora, are you okay?" I rushed to her side, clutching onto her hands hoping she was concious.

"Hmm," She whispered painfully, tightly hanging onto my hands with her eyes shut.

To make things comfortable for her, I took her abaya and hijab off gently leaving her only in a long flannel and tights that she wore underneath. With each touch she groaned painfully, I looked at her with terror. How did her condition worsen, she couldn't even sit up to begin with?

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