Taraweeh night

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Abu Hurairah POV:

I recited loudly along with the vast crowd of students in my class who were also memorizing their sabaq for the evening. Maghrib Salah was in a few minutes and the sun was at its lowest peak permitting darkness to engulf the sky. The chandeliers were flicked on casting shining illuminance around the prayer hall. Maybe half of the illuminance was the Qurans Nur (light). 

Most of us just read impatiently hoping for the Adhaan to be called out soon. "Father of Cats, heard your finishing?" Huzaifah yelled happily, waving from the far corner of the vast prayer hall which was across the class. Yeah, way to put me in the center of attention bro. 

I totally hated him right now!

"Yeah," I murmured politely, glaring at him trying to keep my calm. "Don't you already know-"

"Abu Hurairah your finishing?" Moulana Ahmed asked surprised. The whole class fell silent as everyone continued to gawk at me waiting for my reply with anticipation. 

Bruh, you're my teacher, you're supposed to know!

"Yes," I nodded politely.

"How many pages do you have left?" 


"Wow.... didn't think you'd finish this so fast. It was like yesterday you started, and now you're almost a hafiz." He said softly, looking down in the Quran in front of him, I bet flashbacks crossed his mind. "What are you planning to do after becoming a Hafiz... going to school?" His eyes flicked back to mine, waiting for my reply.


"Oh that's great, I hope you loved it here during your journey through hifz,and I also pray that you keep this Quran in your heart for the rest of your life." My teacher whispered emotionally, wiping a few of his stray tears. "I am proud of you Abu Hurairah, "

Huzaifah just raised his thumbs up and smiled brightly. Idiot!

"Moulana Ahmed, Huzaifah's leading for Taraweeh, right?" I asked diverting the topic away from myself and making my cousin the center of the spotlight instead. Huzaifah scowled, not that I minded. 

"Oh sure, he is of course." Moulana Anas beamed brightly while I threw a wide smirk at him. "But ..."   My face fell, I hated the 'buts' that always came after the sentences, "You're a hafiz in few days, so you'll be helping him by leading  a few rakahs of Taraweeh, what do you say."

My face fell, "W-what? Please, that's not fair. I mean all the people in this city will be here tonight for Taraweeh prayer, even all the guys from the school campus."

"Well, that's what usually happens. A hafiz has to lead whether they like it or not. "

"Do I have to lead?" I repeated. All I wanted was to get back at Huzaifah, not to get myself in such a mess.

"No, there is no way you're backing down. I am not letting two of my extraordinary students off my Taraweeh leading list. Both you and Huzaifah are leading, and that's final." 

Oh crap.

"Now you know what it feels like to be me." Huzaifah cheered from across the class with his usual cheeky smile plastered on his face. How does he always smile all the time, doesn't his cheekbones hurt?

"Oh, by the way, Osman is coming to lead for Taraweeh." My teacher announced. 

"Osman?" We all questioned. We all knew Osman was some sort of genius hafiz who studied here with Huzaifah when he was doing hifz, Huzaifah's former best friend. Moulana Ahmad praised both Huzaifah and Osman equally for their great memory skill and appointed them for literally everything.

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