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Huzaifah POV:

I strolled towards my class with my backpack slung over my back. I was really pleased that I didn't bring any suitcases with me at the moment, then I would have to make a fatigued excursion to my dorm before heading to class. It would have been much unpleasant and tiring.  

Adam instantly popped at my side and accompanied me on the stroll to our class. "Dude, how was your time in the jet?" 

"Yeah it was fine, I guess." I shrugged. 

"Your the first guy I ever met who actually got along with their sister."

"My sister's cool." 

Adam was the only man who actually knew that I had a sister. He was the only fellow to ever become aware of such news since we technically sprouted up together by living in the same neighbourhood.

Our stroll had come to a termination, and we both entered our grade ten class. The class was slowly stuffing as time proceeded. I pulled out my textbook to rehearse for our morning Biology test. Why was a test the first thing we managed to have after a long break?

I drew my hood closely over my head again. It was just a natural custom that all my family member's had, pulling their hood up and disguising their countenance underneath it. Me and Adam decided to trial each other on the key concepts of the test until the teacher arrived.

Few minutes past by and the class was bustling with students who had their voices pitched up high. Suddenly the teacher walked in without a caution presenting us all a disappointing glare, hushing the entire class at once. Everyone was frightened of being penalized by the principal, and thus, no one dared to state a word out of terror because the teacher had a bad habit of sending the students to the office almost instantly.

 I closly examined my teacher. Was she my biggest nightmare... another robot? Did she have pure blood or wires up her viens?

"Good morning students. I hope you had a wonderful break. I hope you guys all are aware of the  Science test we have first in the morning. I hope you are all prepared for it!" She spoke boredly, scanning the class and counting the students with her stubby fingers. "It is a major part of the course. First of all, you guys should all be in uniforms." She glared sternly looking my way, "That goes specifically for you Mr. Huzaifah. Every single time, why are you the first one not to show up in uniform?"

"This is the sunnah of the prophet. You guys call this an Islamic school but don't follow the sunnah." I scoffed, resting one of my elbow on the desk lazily with my chin on top of my palm. "What is this?"

No, I wasn't your typical badboy in school. No, I could never be the type, in fact I was probably the literal opposite.

"Do you have your uniform with you?" Ms. Abad asked, ignoring my outburst. 

"Yes, under my thobe." 

"Go change and be back in five seconds." She pointed her finger out the door, gesturing for me to leave the room immediately. I rolled my eyes and left to the locker room.

Huzaifah Bin Benyamin and Hawa Binte Yusuf please come to the principals office immediately. I repeat Huzaifah Bin Benyamin and Hawa Binte Yusuf in the Principals office immediately. 

The office was calling me, I was probably in trouble again for wearing my thobe. Well, I am proud to follow the sunnah. I don't even care if they yell at me or torture me. This is what my prophet wore and this is what I will wear till I die.

I sauntered to the principal office with dignity. If I get in trouble, I'll get in trouble with pride. 

I took a huge breath and open the doors to the principals office to face my doom. "Assalamu alaim Huzaifah!" My former hifz principal smiled brightly, while my current principal was seated beside him rummaging through one of his files with furrowed brows.

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