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Abu Hurairah:

"Son, did you give the wedding ring to your bride?" Dad barked for the hundreth time in phone. It was early in the morning and I was making my way towards class hoping dad would let this subject slide and let me move on with life. But the sad part was... my dad was a hafiz, his memory skills were damn good. He remembered literally everything!

"No." I groaned, throwing my head back.

"What! I told you to do it on the wedding day and you chickened out. Man up for once!" Dad shouted angrily.

"B-b-but that's not fair, Huzaifah can do it for me." 

"Nope, your wife, you will give her the wedding ring and you will do it alone. You will get the courage and... do not feel shy, she doesn't bite." 

"But what if she does? She's Huzaifah's crazy sister afterall." I muttered.

 Dad sighed, "These small little fears will kill you one day, I said man up." Dad shouted again. "If I find out Huzaifah, Hawa or someone else had placed the ring on her finger, you're in deep trouble young man." Dad scolded loudly in the phone, defeaning my ears. "Do I make myself clear? Oh Allah why is my son such a chicken? Sometimes I wonder if I could switch sons with Benyamin."

I groaned, "Okay dad, I got you. Say I love you to mom for me." 

"Woah, woah, woah... son after all I've ever done for you, you say I love you to your mom but not me? How could you?" Dad cried, feeling rejected. "What was this man-to-man conversation for?"

"To drive me crazy." I grumbled to myself, rolling eyes. Whenever dad was free he would call me and babble about rubbish things and to him this was a known as the 'Man-to-man' talk where we both had to pour our hearts out. But you see, I just sat there patiently while dad was the one who always poured out too much of his heart out killing me in the process. "Dad can't you annoy Uncle Ben or something? Huzaifah or grampa? There's a bunch of guys in the house and you pick me out of all people?"

"Nah, Huzaifah just talks to much, my bro ignores me and my dad... he ends out pouring his heart out instead of listening to mines." Dad cried. Yeah, just like you do to me!

"Fine, I love you too dad." I mumbled, rolling my eyes in annoyance. "Can I please hang up now? I have class and your just rambling nonesense."

"What did you just say? Nonesense huh? Hajara pass me my shoe, I need to beat this boy up." Dad ordered angrily.

"You do realize we are over the phone right?" I asked, groaning for the hundreth time. "Bye dad, save the shoe when you come home. I really gotta go." I hung up knowing dad would just pester me right now because literally he's got nothing to do. 

Pulling my hood up, I briskly glided down the halls to class hoping I wouldn't collide with any of my friends. From what Safoora and Hawa did to my phone yesterday, I didn't want to face any of them, it would be a living nightmare. Oh Allah, why was I cursed with such women in my life? Why did Safoora have to embarrass me?

 I sighed in relief when I made it to my seat in one piece, I slumped down and buried my head in arms. 

"Ay, man what's up?" Xan poked my arm, sitting beside me. Oh great, I forgot I had Xan and Paxton with me for first period.

"You're confessing to her, that's final!" Paxton turned around from his seat, eyeing Safoora who sat in the front row talking with Ophelia. "Don't care Ray, you have to."

"Nope." I shook my head stubbornly.

"If you love someone, you gotta confess before she's taken." Paxton smiled creepily. I groaned, his intentions were never pure, I bet he was going to reach out to Safoora through me. "How did you fall for her in the first place? I mean she covers... wait," He snapped his head towards me, narrowing his eyebrows. "You're her brother in law, you went to her house... that means you saw her without her black covers, right?" He looked at me suspiciously.

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