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Safoora POV:

The morning light glinted brightly through the living room window as I stumbled down the stairs hastily wrestling with my hoodie. I was as usual on the run, trying to get to school on time before the teacher rained detention on me for being late.

Breathing heavily, I looked around the house finding it eerily quiet. The kitchen and living room was empty with no sign of life. "Mom, dad!" I shouted, glancing up at the clock. 

Crap, I was so late. Everyone must have left!

I ran to Abu Hurairah's part of the house, silently praying that he was somehow late too. I did not know how I got the courage to go see him, but... I did. Normally, I would have avoided him as much as I could, I would try my best not to cross my path with him, not like he cares though.

Finding his living room empty, I entered the kitchen finding Aunt Hajara reciting Quran melodiously while hurling vegetables in her sizzling pot. Qulsum sat at the table, picking at her breakfast while asking Aunt Hajara random questions from time to time.

"Aunty," I panted breathlessly, clutching onto my knees. "I need a ride." Aunt Hajara looked up a little startled at my disheveled state. Well, technically wearing an abaya and niqab had its advantages, you never looked disheveled no matter what.

"Oh god, Hurairah just left." She looked stressfully, biting her lips. "I thought you went with Huzaifah, so I didn't bother telling him." Normally, I would stay a kilometer away from Abu Hurairah... but at moments like this I'll take my chances.

"Huzaifah and Hawa left?" I yelled in disbelief, clenching my fists. Those to annoying siblings of mine!

"Yup," Aunt Hajara nodded, "I wish I could drive too, I could have dropped you."

Suddenly my phone began ringing loudly, I looked down finding mom calling. "Assalamu alaikum mom," I blurted, picking up the call swiftly. "Are you mad at me?"

"What? No." Mom's voiced from the other end, "I was never mad at you in the first place. I get it, I didn't spend time with you guys much and I'm sorry I'll make it up to you, okay sweetie? Inshallah!"

"Mom, it's okay. You don't need to make up anything to me. Just give Qulsum a better life, that's all!" I whispered, "Where are you by the way?"

"Work, you?"

"At home, I need a ride." I wailed, throwing my head back childishly.

"Late again?" Mom said boredly, "Tell your aunt to get a ride ready for you."

"Saff, your grandma's still in the driveway." Aunt Hajara beamed brightly, peeking through her large living room window. "Go quick before she leaves too."

"Thanks Aunty," I breathed, placing a kiss on her cheek. "Mom grandma's home, see you home inshallah. Okay?" I called in the phone.

"Yeah see you darling. Love you all with all my heart. Tell Hurairah I love him too!" Mom laughed, "Kiss him for me, will you?"

"Eww, that's gross. You can do that yourself." I wrinkled my nose, getting out of the house and making my way towards grandma's car. 

"He's your husband for goodness's sake." Mom deadpanned.

"Nope, my enemy. I gotta go mom. Bye!"

"When will you two understand?" She cried, "Yeah okay, Assalamu alaikum dear." Mom hung up the phone.

"Grandma, take me to school." I pleaded, standing in front of her car.

"Dear, I'm really late already." Grandma rolled down her window, biting her lips stressfully. "Isn't there anyone home?"

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