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Ibn Umar (R.A) reported: A man came to the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, and he said, "O Messenger of Allah, I have committed a great sin. Is there any repentance for me?" The Prophet said, "Is your mother with you?" The man said no. The Prophet said, "Is your mother's sister with you?" The man said yes. The Prophet said, "Be good to her."


Abu Hurairah POV:

As soon as the police car had ceased in front of the hospital, paramedics hastily rushed to open the car door. Without wasting time, they carried Safoora's unconscious body away from my grasp. Her warmth that was pressed against my body vanished, and vaporized into thin air. My hands that were wrapped around her frame had entangled and had fallen limp by my side. 

The crowd of paramedics had propelled her on a hospital bed and shot towards the hospital entrance in a quick haste. I followed, like a lost puppy I did. I was going insane, my mind was jumbled, it was running distraught and frantic. All I wanted was Safoora to open her eyes, smile and breathe. Did we really have to go through all this?

As soon as we were inside the hospital, the paramedics rushed to push her into some operation room as a swarm of nurses came over to help them. 

 "Hey, can I at least know if she'll be okay?" I called out breathlessly, my breath ragged in my chest, while my heart beated wildly in my rib cage.

The parademics stopped in the busy hallway, and a worried doctor rushed in towards Safoora and began feeling her hands and chest for a pulse. I held in my breath, my hand unconsciously reaching and intertwining with Safoora's cold insensible ones as I stared at her reluctantly. Her eyes were calmly closed, her long lashes beautifully curled upwards, her cheeks tinted red while her body stayed coldly limp against the bed. Anyone could mistaken her as a sleeping figure, a beauty drowning in a fairytale curse... but this wasn't a curse, it was a real life incident. A cruel life and death situation.

"Is she breathing?" I asked the doctor hesitantly, biting my lips harshly while feeling the metalic taste of blood seeping in on my tongue.

Please say 'yes', please. Oh Allah, don't do this to me.

"No..." The doctor whispered. 

"What?" I cried petrified, my heart thumbing harshly in my chest, while my world swirled hundred times faster. 

The doctor took out her stethoscope and placed it on Safoora's fallen chest where there were no signs of rising or falling. The doctor listened and felt, I waited patiently for Safoora to open her eyes. 

Nothing happened, she stayed still. Frozen like a doll. 

"Is she breathing?" I asked again, holding in the lump of sobs in my throat.

"Yeah... it's really faint." The doctor looked at me frantically, before urging the nurses to push her in some observation room. "She needs oxygen. Quick!"

My hope rose. Oh Allah, thank you! 

I needed to pray two rakaah nafl to show Allah my sincerest gratitude.

I didn't want the nurses to take her away from me, I wanted her to stay with me, but I knew better than to make a scene. Tiredly, I made it to the waiting room and slumped on an empty chair, feeling completely drained from tonight's journey. Why did Adam have to do that to her?


I fisted my hands in anger as fury ravaged my mind. Hey, I didn't even get to punch him or kill him, it really wasn't fair.

Minutes felt like hours, yet Safoora never came out. She was still in with the doctors, and the night was just getting heavier and caligious. I waited patiently with the little hope that flickered in my heart like the last wink of candlelight before a heavy thunderstorm.

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