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Hawa POV:

"Here we are dear, we will be here to pick you up before dark." Aunt Sarah told Abu Hurairah, dropping him off to his friend Ali's house. It has been two days ever since the last time Aunt and Uncle came over to visit us, and now for some reason I find myself stuck in Aunt Sarah's car dressed a bit fancily than my original taste.

"Yeah Assalamu alaikum everyone, have a great time wherever... you people are going." Abu Hurairah said carelessly over his shoulders, keeping a straight face as he turned  around and entered his friend Ali's house. 

"Where are we going again?" I asked my aunt with boredom, drumming my finger against the window ledge. My aunt was driving the car with mom seated by her side while I sat in the back patiently looking out the window. 

"Over to my house, of course." My aunt smiled casually through the rearview mirror. My aunt was clad in a lab coat and a brown abaya underneath it with a matched scarf neatly secured over her head. She just came out of her work shift and picked us up from our house.

"What, why?" I stammered loudly. As far as I can remember, my aunt has never took us to her house before, not that I can think off. Sometimes, I felt betrayed that she cared less about us, but of course I knew that that wasn't the case as she made sure her visits were frequent over at our house.  When asked about her house, she had always excused herself with work or the mess of her house Why take me to her house now?

"Because your dad, uncle, grandparents are all over there waiting for us to arrive." I looked at her suspicously and let the matter slide for now, maybe I can bombard her with questions later. Today my mother and aunt both had dolled  me up in a fancy abaya and hijab when I simply prefered plain black. "So, why didn't Abu Hurairah come with us?"

"Cause he wants to stay over at his friends." Aunt Sarah said, focusing on the road ahead. 

"He never said anything about visiting his friends until you brought it up." I pointed out with narrowed eyes.

"Okay Hawa look! We probably have been lying to you for your entire life, but you will soon find out once we go to your aunts house." Mom sighed tiredly for the first time with a serious tone, staring at the skidding trees that passed by our windoe. "But for now, I don't... I mean we don't think Abu Hurairah is ready for the truth yet." 

What the hell is that suppose to mean?

The entire ride was draped with quietness, the only sound was the soothing air conditioning and the violent speed of the car racing down the highway. Aunt Sarah controlled the steering wheel  focusing on the road with knitted brows while mom looked blankly out at the trees that rushed past us, clearly up in her own world. 

Can they possibly hide secrets from me? How bad is it that Abu Hurairah couldn't handle it? But again, Abu Hurairah has anger issues when it comes to sudden news.

For the past two days, excitement had thrilled in my heart about the news of my baby cousin that was expected within few months. "Is it true that I am having my first cousin?" I  beamed.

"Um... yeah, I am expecting, but ... there is more you should know dear." Aunt started calmly, not taking her eyes off the road, her voice lingering with a slight hint of guilt. "She is not really your first.

So, I am not having my very first cousin, what does that mean?

I didn't speak. I let minutes pass by, it's not like if I recochetted questions at them, they'll provide me with concrete explanation. Aunt Sarah and Mom didn't bother either keeping the tense silence continue to drape the car. 

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