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Hawa POV:

Sitting in the living room of our house, my voice floated around voluming Surah Bani Israeel melodiously. The Quran was openly sprawled in my arms while I clenched on it tightly like it was my only hope in life. My eyes barely grazed the words in front of me, instead it was somewhere else, and my mouth was robotically reading off the verses carved at the back of my memory.

Insanely, I was asking help from Allah by reciting his holy words. All I cared about was having my sister back. Safoora would always be my sister-- she was my sister-in-law anyway and being my only female cousin in my age group, I had always seen her as a sister at another high level.

So far, ever since Huzaifah left, I have started reciting and asking help from Allah. Prophet Muhammad and the Sahaba's (his companions) had always pleaded Allah first at the times of distress, and since I didn't have any power to rescue Safoora, I was depending solely on Allah.

Minutes and a few hours past, I kept on reciting. I had hope, and I clinged onto it. I believed in Allah. I knew he'd never make me suffer for the worse. Allah would always keep me happy even in the worst of the moments because I was seeking his help before asking anyone else in the world.

Suddenly, the tense silence in the house was brutally shattered by the loud blaring of the doorbell. Without waiting twice, I ran towards the door and jolted it open in hopes of seeing my husband again.

Standing there was Aunt Sarah, she grinned stressfully and pulled me in for a motherly hug. It made me nostalgic. Suddenly, I wanted to be in mom's grasp again, I wanted to just have a glimpse of her, or a hug perhaps... a last one. 

Dad brushed past us in the house dropping their suitcases on the floor with a loud exhausted thud. Umme Qulsum dashed towards me and hugged my legs, her hair bouncing around as she jumped up and down in her sneakers, pair of jeans, and green toothpaste hoodie. "Assalamu Alaikum Hawa, I missed you so much." She grinned broadly. "I'm going to live with you and Huzaifah forever, and mom and dad can't ever stop me."

"Sure," I grinned, patting her head happily. "You're alway welcome."

Dad patted me on the head lovingly, placing a sloppy kiss on my cheeks. "I missed my baby so much."

I grinned, "I missed you too."

"Where's uncle Ben?" I asked looking around the doorway, but to my dismay he was nowhere in sight.

"He's probably contacting the police force or the hospital. He has gone nuts." Dad answered with a monotoned voice.

"Hawa dear, I'm going to..." Aunt Sarah started, her voice trailing off as she glanced at his phone with horror. "Oh dear, Safoora..." She gulped looking at me and dad with tears. "Yusuf, can you stay with my daughter and Hawa? Hurairah says Safoora isn't breathing."

She isn't breathing?


My heart dropped, my world crashed. I couldn't breath, I was suffocating, and my lungs stopped functioning. I tried to brace myself by holding the walls, but I just felt weaker and weaker. I just lost my mom, not Safoora too!

"Sarah..." Dad asked reluctantly, his breath cut off, his own voice ragged by the grave weakening news. "Did Hurairah say that?"

"He says he isn't sure... he wants me to come there and check for myself. He is heading towards some distant hospital." Aunt Sarah croaked out, reading off her phone as she clamped her mouth with her hands while tears gushed out of her eyes freely.

"Don't believe him too easily, he doesn't even know the difference between life and death." Dad started in denial. "He's in shock himself!"

I looked at him to see if he was joking, but weirdly due to my surprise... he wasn't.

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