Looking Beyond

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^I don't know, but the above recitation is how I personally imagine Abu Hurairah's tone when he reads Quran or he leads salah. Now, you can imagine it however you want. I just wanted to share my personal imagination. 😉

Safoora POV:

"Ugh, I can't believe he did that." I grumbled angrily, banging the door one last time. "Huzaifah is officially off my best brother list."

"Let's just get this over with." Abu Hurairah grunted, plopping himself lazily on a chair at the dinner table and gazing down at his phone.

"Or we can just snitch on mom and dad." I suggested happily.

"Uh no, the parents agree to every little thing Huzaifah says. Like on the wedding day, Huzaifah forced me to say the words I never would have imagined I'd say." He rolled his eyes in disgust and annoyance. I knew exactly the words he was talking about, 'I accept Benyamin's daughter as my wife.' and now he was really repelled by the thought. He was regretful of making me his wife!

Wait, he never saw me as his wife to begin with... does this mean that this marriage was invalid? Ugh, I shouldn't be thinking about this right now, who cares about how he saw me. I should just stay a kilometer away from him and I am officially safe. 

I sighed heavily and looked around the white varnished kitchen, there was no route for escape except for the kitchen window that had stared down at me invitingly. "Oh I am jumping out the window." I announced happily, walking towards it, hypnotized by the light and shining glass. Like that was something so normal to say.

"Say what now? You serious?" Abu Hurairah looked at me disbelievingly, his lips agape.

"Yup," I abruptly parted the window letting the cool air gush in the house, slicing against my fair skin. I swiftly jumped on the window ledge, closed my eyes and dangled my legs out the window. I was ready to jump out. Okay, bismillah-

"What the heck is wrong with you?" Abu Hurairah shrieked, instantly holding me back by the waist and forcefully bringing me inside the kitchen with all his stregnth. "Adam lives right across, he could see you not to mention your not even with your abaya or niqab right now. This kitchen is two storey high from the ground, you could have broken a leg or worse... you could have died. How crazy are you?"

Pretty crazy. Duh. 

I looked down the window noticing how high above we were from the ground. I smiled sheepishly, "Oops, didn't think it through."

"I thought you said I qoute," He cleared his throat professionally, "'Kissing me was way better than staying with Adam.'" He smirked, mimicking my voice.

"Shut up!" I grimaced, pushing him away, my cheeks burning hot with embarrassment. "That's only if it's a life and death situation. All boys are stupid, okay." You see that's what you get when you're married to a hafiz. His memory skills are damn good and he was going to cling onto every single word I said whether it is intentional or not. Well, not sure about other guys but this guy did that!

"Are you kidding me?" He raised his eyebrows, "All girls are insane, they don't even have a brain like this stupidhead Safoora who just wanted to commit suicide a few minutes ago." He mumbled, sitting back on his chair and scrolling through his phone. "I sit here and watch you cook. That's final!"

"That's not fair." I frowned, leaning against the wall. 

"Women are supposed to cook while the men just relax back." Abu Hurairah smirked. 

"Uh excuse me, that's just rude, thought your mom taught you better. If you are not cooking than I'll be sitting here comfortably and when you make up your mind... I'll start cooking as well." I challenged grumpily, plopping myself on a chair and watching him intensely. We both stared at each other challengingly with narrowed eyes hoping one of us would make the first move.

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