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Safoora POV:

Few days had gone by at a speed of lightning and my scars had turned from red to purple. My fever had slowly vanished and I was able to walk without completely limping with pain. Even though the doctor advised me to get some rest, I was completely fed up with it. I was athletic, lying around was a complete irritation to me, I'd rather find something useful to do than that. 

Due to my broken ribs, I have been in bed all day for the entire week and it was finally time for me to head out under the sunlight. Even though pain lingered under my heavy bruises, I was utterly tired of living under same old roof of my room.

I hastily shoved on my abaya and hijab and secured it tightly with pins. I didn't need my niqab, actually... I didn't need any of these coverings but I was just being cautious. Even though I was heading out only in the backyard, who knows what will happen. The public was also a place for jinns and I had no intentions in attracting their attention. After all, Allah had made covering mandatory for women as a protection from both men and jinn.

I headed downstairs, finding Hawa lying on the couch comfortably with her nose buried in a book. Her long chocolate hair was tied up in a messy bun and her oversized shirt was too loose for me to notice her figure. Since the past months, she has been taking a liking towards baggy dresses which felt unusually strange to me. For some reason, I felt like she was internally panicking or completely ignoring her problems hoping they'll just simply vanish like that. I guess... I'll have to handle it before mom comes and rants out all of her useless advices.

"Hawa," I peeked at her from under the book with a bright grin. "Oh finally, you're not studying your textbook for once." I examined the cover page of her book, she was reading a volume of 'The Stories of the Sahaba'.

"My university ended. It's called summer vacation, duh." Hawa sassed, not breaking eye contact with her book. The true life stories and supernatural powers the Sahaba's were amazingly wonderful. With the help of Allah, some of the sahaba's like Saad Bin Abi Waqqass (R.A) rode over the river with their horses without getting wet at all. Sahaba's are a guiding star for us, if you follow one as a role model you'll be successful in this world and the hereafter inshallah. 

"Do you wanna head outside?" I grinned, pulling at Hawa's hands irritably. "Maybe play basketball or something?"

"Nope," Hawa tugged her hand back on her lap. "Go yourself!"

"Oh come on, you'll get fat if you're laying around all day." I chuckled.

She shut her book with a loud thud and shot me a death glare, "What did you just say? Do you have a death wish?" She narrowed her eyes threateningly, "I literally cook and clean the house and look after all three of you."

"I help too." I grinned sheepishly.

"Well, for the past few days you were bedridden. Who helped you and fed you?"

"Uh... Allah." I said innocently.



"And?" She glared harshly.

"Fine, fine, you too." I groaned in surrender with my hands raised, "But still, can't you come?"

"No, go outside yourself alone." Hawa huffed irritably, picking up her book and burying herself in there again. "Just make sure you don't hurt yourself again."

"Fine, be a meanie. You're such a granny!" I cursed under my breath. 

"I heard that!" Hawa hollered with a frown. I rolled my eyes before shoving on my sneakers and heading outside through the backyard door.

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