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Huzaifah POV:

One of my brilliant techniques of waking up Abu Hurairah was setting up the alarm with my own voice, not to mention it annoyed him to the core.  Abu Hurairah was furious with my idiocy, and he didn't even come back in the room after praying Fajr. I was always pranking him whenever I had the time, just to lower down his stress levels. I mean...that guys gotta chill and have some fun once in awhile. 

Our room was echoing with my and Ali's loud recitation. I was preparing for my evening dour while Ali was working on his morning's Sabaq.  My part of the dorm was the messiest. Okay, I think I should make it all up to Abu Hurairah by cleaning up my part of the room to the least, which he was begging me to do for the last few months. 

 As I drowned in thoughts, I unconciously picked up a baseball nearest to my bed and continuously slammed it against the other part of my wall, my recitation freely drifting around the closed space of our room. 

"Cut it out Huzaifah!" Ali yelled, a frown etched on his face.

"What's up with everyone, why is everyone mad with me?" I joked.

"Just stop throwing the ball around the room. I can't concentrate!" Ali cried. Ali and Abu Hurairah were both thirteen year old hifz students, but compared to Abu Hurairah, Ali's characteristics were more cheerful and way less grumpy.

 It wasn't my fault my hands couldn't keep still, it always needed something to do. I groaned. That's what happens when you have roommates, you gotta care about others feelings too. My roommates were younger than me, but they were the best mates I could ever have, more like my younger brothers. Especially Abu Hurairah, it was like I had this special connection to him somehow.

Hours passed and the sun was up glistening, giving us a reminder of attending our morning classes. "Fine if you guys all hate me, I'll go." I said with a faux crying voice, pretending to be sad. "Yeah you know what, I'll just go!"  I yelled getting up from my spot, trying to get Ali's attention. Maybe, I was the one who couldn't concentrate in this suffocating room.

"Grow up man, your acting like a girl!" Ali chuckled. He knew I was joking around because I always was!

"You know what, I'll just go outside and practice my dour there. I like the weather outside today!" I said seriously, regaining my own tone back. 

"Are you sure? The weather... I mean the air looks too polluted." Ali said, scrunching his nose disgusted as I opened my blinds to see the view from my window. He was right, the air was so polluted due to all the air crafts leaving filthy gas trials along the sky.

"Yeah... actually I'll just go straight to my class and on the way I'll just stop by the the prayer hall. I don't think pulling some of Abu Hurairah's nerve is a bad idea." I grinned mischeviously. That poor Abu Hurairah was always my target. 

"I don't think he'll be happy to see you again. You already gave him one hell of a morning!" Ali shrugged, throwing on his turban and thobe. 

"Where are you going?" I buttoned my school uniform shirt over my white T-shirt. I absolutely hated my school's uniform--full sleeved white shirt along with blank pants, and most of the time, I just simply topped it off with my usual hooded leather jacket.

"Hifz class starts in few minutes. I gotta go!" Ali panicked, taking his quran and heading out. "Assala mualaikum!" 

"See ya tonight!" I hollered, hauling my backpack over my shoulder and picking up my Quran, holding it close against my chest. 

I took one last look in the mirror. Woah, I looked like a changed man. Nah, I looked like an old fashioned dude from the 2030's. These days everyone wore ripped clothes from head to toe-- everything was literally ripped and torn up. I was never going to reach today's standards, wearing ripped T-shirts, pants, and hoodies. It just disgusted me to the extend that I would barf. 

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