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Huzaifah POV:

Humming Surah Jinn, I entered the house after praying Asr Salah in the mosque. This specific Surah was stuck in my brain ever since morning and it wasn't getting out anytime soon and I was glad of it. 

I entered the living room finding Abu Hurairah seated on the sofa stressfully with his head in his hand. I knew that look, he looked stressed, regretful and overly done with his life. I wonder what happened to him?

Hawa entered the room with a stack of books in her arms and slumped down on a separate sofa with a frown deeply etched on her face, she did not spare Abu Hurairah a single glance. She was wearing a pink knee-length flowy dress with black tights, her hair falling silkily down her back. She looked unbelievingly breathtaking!

Hawa glared harshly at Abu Hurairah once before opening her fat science textbook and keeping her eyes glued to the pages. I went towards her and placed a kiss on her cheeks, "Is everything okay?" 

Abu Hurairah looked up at us and cringed, he still felt utterly disgusted every time I touched Hawa or stole some kisses. He would always fire up and make some cringy remarks like 'get a room' or 'stay a kilometer away from my sis' but right now... he seemed different.  Seeing him only diverting his eyes away left me extremely curious, he was not being his usual self meaning something has happened in the house while I was gone. 

"Father of Cat's, you alright?" I asked in a concerned and brotherly tone.

"I'm so stupid," He mumbled, facepalming himself guiltily. What!

"That's right, you are." Hawa retorted. 

"Father of Cat's is not stupid, he scores every thing with a ninety." I argued, "He's a hafiz, a perfection!" 

"What I did was so stupid. Dangerously stupid!" Abu Hurairah hissed quietly.

 "What happened?" I asked suspiciously, narrowing my eyes at them. "You two never fight?"

"You won't take the news well," Hawa replied, eyeing me nervously. I looked around finding the room dead silent with a gloomy atmosphere lingering around and dreary muffled murmurs were slithering from upstairs. Something wasn't right... Where was Safoora? She always kept the house up with her screwy comments and crazy nonsense.

"Where's Safoora?" I asked patiently, holding my breath, hoping nothing bad had happened to her.

"Hurairah explain!" Hawa commanded, throwing him a death glare.

"I threw her in the swimming pool while she was wearing all her abaya and stuff... she drowned.  I can't believe I didn't think it through." He kept his head downcast, running his hand stressfully through his hair and tugging at it. He looked disheveled and totally guilty for what he had done.

"How is she right now?" I breathed, praying for a positive answer.

"She just regained her consciousness awhile ago and she'll be down soon inshallah." Hawa muttered, "Hurairah, you have to apologize to her!"

"Huzaifah, I'm so stupid. I shouldn' have done that!" Abu Hurairah groaned for the hundreth time, "That is exactly why I didn't look forward to marriage but you people just had to force it on me."

"It's okay, you didn't mean it. Just inshallah think it through next time okay." I explained calmly. He was like a brother to me, I felt his pain when he was down and I was fully ready to support and guide him in every part of his life. All that mattered right now was that Safoora was okay and he totally regretted his actions and was ready to apologize.

"By the way, you look great in my hoodie." I complimented him, easing the tense atmosphere.

"What?" He looked down unbelievingly, finding himself in my hoodie. "Thanks, but I didn't mean to wear yours but... whatever."

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