Is It Her?

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^That above cartoon looked a lot like Huzaifah to me. Btw, he doesn't have blonde hair rather brown. :)

Hawa POV:

The days were passing by in a blurr again and it was almost time for our next upcoming holiday break, a chance to spend some time with our families again. School was giving us one of our last breaks this week to go home before this year finally ended, and my freshmen year would be soon completed.

Today was the usual, I was in class watching the teacher ramble on and pouring her heart out while I scrambled to write everything down hastily. As soon as school finished, I quickly picked up my bag and left the class, sprinting back to my dorm. I didn't want to encounter Huzaifah anytime soon nor Ashadiyah and her minions. Yeah, I liked calling them minions since they literally acted worse than the minions from the minion movie.

Huzaifah was anyways in his somophore year, it wasn't like I was going to encounter him any time soon either other than in the evening when we had to work together. Yet, I still scrambled to get out of school and reach my room. 

Me and Anabia met each other half way, and after saying salaam to each other we walked to our dormitory with a comfortable silence engulfing us, both of us consumed  in our own worlds. It was our daily routine after school that we both would just head up to our rooms and practice our Quran getting our dour ready for the evening. We were always very tired after school which caused our conversations to stay limited.

We entered the elevator squeezing in with a pack of girls. It was home time and everyone was scrambling to go to their rooms to get some rest. 

"Yesterday, Safoora was worried hell for you." Anabia started, "You didn't tell her?"

"I couldn't cause .... you know she had school and everything. The busy as usual!"

"Oh, Okay see you then." Anabia waved as soon as the elevator opened at my floor.

 I smiled, "Assalamu Alaikum." We both waved at each other until the elevator was closed again. I headed towards my room and opened the door with my set of keys finding it empty as usual, the room was all neat and clean like the way I left it in the morning. 

I took my shoes and school bag off and slumped down on my bed without changing any further. I tore off my niqab, and opened the window  inhaling in the spring breeze deeply. It was enough to give me the urge to do my dour until it was four. 

I reached out for my Quran from my nightstand and held it in my lap reciting with the average volume I usually preferred. When I recited, I was too concentrated to notice anything around me. It was like my body was in this world, but my mind was roaming in the next. You could say it was something way better than meditation!

I let time and the minutes fly by in a blur like a drug that held me addicted in a sweet stupor.

I was suddenly jolted fully awake when my alarm started blaring loudly reminding me that I had to meet Huzaifah. I slammed the snooze button in irritation and  groaned loudly, I just wanted to stay in bed and read blissfully. Why was life such a headache?

 I grumbled again as I gently closed my Quran and placed it back on the nightstand as I swiftly wore my shoes, niqab and backpack, quickly heading downstairs in a haste. I scurried across the field ignoring everyone as usual. I even heard Ashadiyah call out my name a few times, but ... of course I wanted to skip trouble because the maturiest thing to do right now was to ignore her and make her explode like a volcano. Pshh!

I reached the school campus finding the usual like the past few days, Huzaifah and Abu Hurairah were bickering with some of their other friends lingering around watching them with complete amusement. Well, it was mostly Abu Hurairah arguing and Huzaifah teasing him. Why were boys such a pain in the back?

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