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Huzaifah POV:

The sun was slowly sinking against the dying horizon leaving pinkish blue streaks against the fading sky. Abu Hurairah drove the van quietly, keeping his eyes trained on the road while I sat beside him watching him amused. The entire family except for Hawa and Safoora were in the car heading towards the airport planning to leave us alone for a few months.

"Where are you people going again?" I asked, turning my head back to face dad and uncle who were teasing and poking each other like some highschool girls.

"We're going to Jordan for business, our hospitals are scattered around the world remember. My big bro's just tagging along cause we're spending our honeymoon there, right?" Dad chuckled, nudging Uncle Yusuf. Jordan was a leading country in this era along with England at its tail, it was highly modernized compared to the rest of the world and inflated with new inventions and technology.

"Yeah he's right, my bros the best." Uncle Yusuf placed his arms around dad's shoulder friendly.

"Yup, you kids are having your honeymoon in the house." Mom announced cheerfully, pumping her fist in the air like it was some good news. "Huzaifah is in charge of you all and ... if he goes crazy which happens pretty often then it's Hawa."

Honeymoon in the house! Are you kidding me? Who does that? Is that even a thing?

"Wait, let me get this straight." I looked at them weirdly, they totally lost their marbles. "We are the ones married, aren't we supposed to go on a honeymoon out of the country instead of you people?"

"Nope, we are going for our honeymoon because we never had one after our marriage." Dad said stubbornly, "You are having the house all to yourself, so honeymoon in the house it is."

"Look how do I put this Huzaifah," Uncle Yusuf squinted his eyes, trying to ponder. "We are the parents and we did so much hard work in arranging the wedding and getting you people together. So we deserve the honeymoon not the newly wed bride and groom, that's ridiculous. So we will be the first to change the custom, right bro?" He nudged dad, high-fiving him.

"Right Yusuf, we're like such geniuses." Dad squealed, side hugging Uncle Yusuf.

"Totally geniuse!" Abu Hurairah mumbled sarcastically, shaking his head. "I was born in the weirdest family ever."

"Don't worry, me and Father of Cats will be going on our own honeymoon all by ourselves." I nudged Abu Hurairah making him scowl, "We'll bond together and go crazy bonkers and when you people come home, you'll find the house in a wreck." I giggled, pinching Abu Hurairah's cheek. 

"Stop it man, no touching!" Abu Hurairah swatted my hand away from his face. "I am driving here."

"If the house is broken, you two are both dead." Grandma glared at us, "Not Saff and Hawa, you two first."

"Why us?" I complained, throwing my head back. "That's unfair, me and my best bro here were planning to go over the moon while you people were gone. You had to kill the fun Grandma!" 

"Well deal with it then grandson." Grandpa muttered taking grandma's side. "I want the house to be how I left it. Nothing should be broken!"

Dad suddenly looked at me and Abu Hurairah strictly, "Huzaifah and Abu Hurairah make sure Safoora does not burn the house, get herself killed, doesn't break her bones, jump out of the window, does her homework, read her dour, doesn't do anything stupid... is there anything else?" Dad counted breathlessly off of his fingers, looking at Uncle Yusuf seriously. "Bro, where's the huge list I made again?"

"Here." Uncle Yusuf rummaged through his pockets and handed it to me. I opened it finding the  huge list of paper touching the ground on what Safoora 'shouldn't do'.

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