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Hawa POV:

The rain was pouring heavily outside against the charcoal sky, it was a little after magribh (evening) prayer when me, Abu Hurairah and dad stumbled in the Abbasi hospital to check up on mom again. It was another woeful evening, with mom in the hospital our lives felt like hollow shells. Especially for Abu Hurairah and dad, dad didn't want to reveal his weak emotions so he took extra shifts at work to pass his day and Abu Hurairah... he became more moody and reticent. I on the other hand tried my best to lift up everyone's mood but failed miserably and when night fell ... we all shed tears beyond the walls of our rooms.

The Benyamin family was gifted with utmost intelligence and they were giving their best to help us, without their and Allah's help today mom couldn't have made it this far. Huzaifah was aiming to be a scientist because he had the ability to come up with quick discoveries and inventions. Uncle Benyamin was also trying his best to investigate this deadly virus up close and observe all its movement, the country was all reliant on him for guidance and advice. And lastly Aunt Sarah, she was nursing mom with the best of her capabilities with grandma and grandpa by her side.

The Abbasi hospital was huge and welcoming but the slight smell of injuries, death and misfortunes lingered in the air. Doctors and nurses crawled everywhere, some pushed hospital beds while other propelled wheelchairs with patients in them. Most of the doctors and nurses were long distant Abbassi aunts or uncles who I didn't even come to know of. Yup, this was called the Abbasi hospital for a reason!

"Hawa why the hell are you still standing there?" Abu Hurairah barked, turning around in his steps. Dad frowned and took hold of my hand dragging me along with him like I was still a toddler needing guidance.

I was lost. My heart was lost. Everything was lost.

We entered the room mom was in finding her leaning against her bed smiling thinly with pain clearly evident on her face while Aunt Sarah was beside her treating to her needs. Ever since mom moved to the hospital, our visits have become regular. This was more like our second home because of mom!

Aunt Sarah saw us and her lips instantly curved up in a smile, "Assalamu alaikum, how are you Hawa and Hurairah?" She gave me a motherly hug and ruffled Abu hurairah's hair since he made it very clear that he hated hugs.

"Fine," We all murmured going towards mom's bed and sitting beside her.

"Assalamu alaikum Dr. Sarah, how's my wife?" Dad asked, plastering a smile on his face which failed miserably.

"She's doing well," Aunt Sarah replied curtly, her smile faltering instantly. "We have been injecting Lidocaine after every few hours and it's doing a very good job in numbing her pain but I am afraid that too much of it is toxic for her body and we have to stop that and if we stop it ..." She sighed with grief, her lips transforming into a thin line. "She has to battle with the illness herself with nothing to aid her." 

"I understand." Dad sighed heavily, sitting beside mom on a chair and looking down at her sadly.

"We are trying our best! She's my sister, I would do anything for her." Aunt Sarah whispered, her face saddening as she fixed mom's IV on her hand. "Huzaifah and his father are looking for the cure. Benyamin is studying the illness, he's down the hall if you want to meet him." She told dad, she was worn out herself and her eyes carried dark circles around them. 

"Mom, how are you feeling?" Abu Hurairah asked softly, touching her pale hands.

"Never been better." Mom smiled radiantly at him, squeezing his hand and looking at us gratefully. "I am so glad you guys came to meet me." 

I sat beside mom placing my arms around her and my head on her shoulder, enjoying her presence and warmth hoping it will last forever.  "Hawa are you taking care of your dad and brother?" She asked softly.

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