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Safoora POV:

"Mom, who's dropping me off to school?" I yelled impatiently from the doorway, hoping someone would kindly show up and show their infinite mercy. I was completely prepared for school in my abaya and hijab dress code, and all I needed right now was a complying driver to drive to my destination.

"I don't know. Just find anyone to drive you." Mom cried with panic, trying to calm Musa down in her arms who was throwing his early morning tantrum.

"But there is no one. Huzaifah is off to Med school and dad is probably sleeping in his room." I groaned. Did the world hate me?

"Abu Hurairah?" Mom asked. "Ask him please!"

Maybe I had to ask Abu Hurairah for some mercy since my own family weren't willing to show any themselves. 

"Fine mom," I threw the door open with a blunt salam, and stomped down the neighbourhood to my husband's house. Why couldn't anyone in my family just do me a small favour?

As soon as I reached Abu Hurairah's driveway, I found him stumbling out of his house hurriedly with his backpack slung over one of his shoulders. "Safoora?" He asked with surprise, a smile instantly blooming over his lips. "What makes you come here early in the morning?"

"Can you please drop me off to school?" I pleaded in my most innocent voice. "Please!"

"Sure, get in!" He grinned, gesturing to his car, opening the passenger door ajar.

"Thank you so much." I grinned genuinely, getting in. 

He went round, opened his door and sat down beside me in the driver's seat. He was clad in a black hoodie and jeans, and his raven hair a messy wreck as he drove one of his hands through it with excessive stress. He caught me red-handed ogling at him, and glanced at me with a mind-blowing smile that caused instant butterflies to erupt in my stomach. His smile made my heart race rapidly each time, terminating the flow of my oxygen. Why did he have to look so handsome hypnotizing every time I saw him? 

"Is everything okay, Safoora?" He asked, intertwining his hands firmly with mine with a look of concern. "Something you want to tell me? You can tell me anything?"

"Anything?" I whispered, squeezing his hand back.

"Anything." He grinned, his hazel eyes drowning me in them.

I think I love you.

What? Where did that come from? My cheeks reddened at the sudden surfacing feeling, and I was glad that I had my niqab on at the moment, otherwise he could've seen it.

I immediately diverted my face away. "Uh... no it's nothing." I told him, glancing away through the window with embarrassment.

"Are you sure?" He narrowed his eyes worriedly.

"Yeah, of course. Nothing for you to worry about." I grinned at him convincingly.

Abu Hurairah nodded, and began driving to my school. I reached out and turned on the CD player, blasting Surah Taha in the car and humming along with the Qari's recitation. My voice amalgamating with the Qari's and creating a melodious atmosphere in the car.

"Hey, aren't we taking a foreign road." I asked, glancing at Abu Hurairah and then back at the road suspiciously. "This is not usually the road dad takes."

"I'm going to visit mom." He told me hesitantly, not meeting my eyes. "Thought you'd want to accompany me. I always come here every morning before I head out to uni."

We arrived at a neat lush green cemetery, and drove in it with respect under extreme low speed until we approached at a certain section that Abu Hurairah identified as his mom's place. "I'll be right back." He notified me. 

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