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Abu Hurairah POV:

Sighing heavily, I backed away from the hospital with my car hitting the road again. I didn't know what Safoora was upto, I'll just secretly pray that she doesn't transform into a surgeon and does the surgery for the patient undercover. I was solely trusting Hawa for this!

I snapped out of my daze as soon as a loud ping echoed through my phone. I immediately looked down, finding another one of Knox's anxious texts. Knox wanted to have an urgent talk with me and Xan, he was expecting us in the nearest cafe from the hospital.

Knox: Where r u? I am dying under the sun.

Me: Almost there. Chill man!

Knox: Stop driving n texting, u'll end up in prison with Paxton. At least, u'll have a buddy there.

Me: Shut up, ur the one who's acting like your dying. 

As soon as I reached my destination, I found Knox waving at me frantically like a madman. His face masked with a frown, he was completely raged because of my lateness. "Finally, you've decided to arrive!"

If I hadn't dropped Safoora off to the hospital, I wouldn't have been late. "I feel so loved bro, I was greeted so warmly." I mumbled sarcastically, getting out of my car and slamming the door shut, locking it.

Knox rolled his eyes irritably, "Where's Xan? I swear you two will be the end of me."

 "I thought he was here." I replied curtly, walking beside Knox down the parking lot.

"Nah, he's the same as you. Late! Let's just go inside, he'll take forever trust me." Knox grumbled, sauntering with me to the cafe.

We both took a seat in front of each other, "So... what did you call me here for?"

"Wow, man that is a rude way to put it." Knox scowled.

"What? I thought you're mad at me cause I sent Paxton to jail."

"Why would I care?" Knox shrugged, rolling his eyes. "The prison is literally his second home. Trust me!"

"I trust you already bro." I nodded expressionlessly. 

"I'm serious Ray," He breathed roughly, raking his hair with his hands and biting his lips stressfully. "He always ends up there and his dad breaks him out every single time." His hands were clasped together while he stared at me intensely, his lips pressed together into a thin line.

"What do you mean?" I narrowed my eyes.

"His dad," He gulped, looking at me dreadfully. "Is one of the dangerous men in the universe. He expects Paxton to be just like him--"

"Your saying his dad is a criminal?" 

"Much worse. Paxton's life is toxic and he has no way out, I've tried to help him many times but only got my own life in tangles." He sighed heavily, placing his face in his hands. "I ended up getting myself in his mess and I have no way out now."

I gulped, "What's wrong with Paxton?"

Knox looked at me warningly, "Whatever happens never ever ask about Paxton's personal life, not to me nor to him or Hexley."

I raised my eyebrows, "Why?" 

"I am warning you bro, your life will be a disaster... just like mines."

"Wait," I hesitated, raising my brows. "Are you telling me that... I made a mistake sending him to prison?"

"No, it's just that... Paxton needs help. He is suicidal, I've found him with a knife many times cutting himself. He is abused, he's traumatized by his father." Knox breathed, looking away. "He needs your help, he trusts you, you've got to help him Ray."

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