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Hawa POV:

It's been a few weeks since my sons were home, and the loud wails were ongoing. If one cried, the other would wake up and join in. The house would be wrapped in a ball of chaos, loud howls constantly rang in my eardrums. It drove me nuts. There were many sleepless nights, and I was exhausted and yawning every now and then.

Huzaifah was already fatigued from all the burdens that were brutally pressed over his shoulders, and I had no intention to burden him with the boys. He already had too much to handle, work, lab experiments, alim studies, med school and also the groceries for the house. Even though he had told me to wake him up during the sleepless nights when I had a trouble, I resisted.

Harun was a tranquil crier, he wailed only when he was hungry or facing any sort of discomfort, and would soon fall asleep when he was fed up. As for Musa, he liked things rough and complicated. He liked keeping the house on fire, attention was what he seeked for, and he was determined to get it.

"Hawa, can you do it?" Aunt Sarah asked nervously, giving me an unsure look as I stood in the bathroom with Musa in my arms. Even though it was night, I had to give him a bath, and it was freaking me out. How do you give a month year old baby a bath anyway?

I shook my head, biting my lips. "Can you do it?"

"It would be my pleasure." Aunt Sarah grinned broadly at Musa as I handed him off to his grandma. I had already filled up Musa's tiny bathtub with lukewarm water and gave her the sponge that the doctors instructed me to use for newborn babies.

Musa stared wide-eyed at Aunt Sarah, and his lips turned upwards into an adorable grin. He had the same chocolate brown hair as me and Huzaifah, but as the days passed Huzaifah's features became stronger in his character. 

Abu Hurairah had strictly emphasized that they were going to be a devilish 'clones of Huzaifah', not only by their looks but also their character. Surprisingly, he still had a grudge with Musa and decided to announce that he wasn't ever going to see him again. Even the affectionate love he had for Harun vanished, and that was another story which all started when he came to carry him up only to pick up Musa instead and earn another punch in the nose. I didn't blame him though, if Huzaifah couldn't tell them apart, how could he. 

"You're so adorable," Aunt Sarah cooed, giving Musa the sponge bath he needed as Musa stared back disbelievingly. "You're my toothless monkey, aren't you?"

Musa flailed his arms, and gave his grandma a wide grin.

I stood beside my son, and watched him. Musa's eyes darted to me, and I gave him a soothing smile. I loved him from the deepest part of my heart, and I wanted him to know that.

Umme Qulsum dashed in the washroom towards us, and peered over my aunt's shoulders to get a glimpse of the baby. "Hey, Musa." She waved excitedly, her hands moving vigorously over his face. "Hawa, can I wake Harun up, please?" She pleaded, her attention snapping to me abruptly with a pout.

"He's sleeping?" I asked.

She nodded innocently.

"Absolutely not." My aunt rebuked. "Do not wake him up! Don't you see Hawa's already struggling?"

Umme Qulsum pouted. "But--"

"No buts, Qulsum. Brush your teeth, get in your PJ'S and go to bed."


"Musa's awake, look at him. Don't wake Harun up." Aunt Sarah commanded with an annoyed sigh.

Previously, Harun had cried noisily, made a scene, and I had managed to feed him while  Aunt Sarah bathed him and handed him off to Uncle Benyamin, who had successfully dried him and put him off to sleep. One burden off my shoulder!

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