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Safoora POV:

The loud ringing of my alarm clock jolted me awake and I jumped off the bed outrageously startled. My room seemed soothingly tranquil as the sunbeams struck my bedroom window spilling in the room quietly. I looked up at the clock and grinned widely, for the first time I finally woke an hour early before class. I had so much time!

I washed up, brushed my long golden hair neatly, tied it up in a bun and secured a scarf over my head. I was wearing a red and black plaided knee-length flannel with black leggings and since there was still plenty of time I didn't bother wearing my abaya or niqab. That could be done last minute before school. At this rate, I didn't care if Abu Hurairah saw me without my abaya, just my hair needed to be covered in front of him, that's all. 

My eyes suddenly landed on mom's makeup bag that was placed on my dresser. My lips tucked upwards into a sly smile when a wicked idea popped in my head. I took the bag and tiptoed out of my room trying to get across the house hoping that no one would catch me.

I crept up the stairs praying that the steps didn't creak. "Saff!" Huzaifah thundered.

I stopped dead in my tracks, turning around guiltily with a convincing smile. "Yeah?"

"Are you going to Father of Cats room?" He raised his eyes amused.

"No." I lied, keeping my hands behind my back innocently trying to keep a straight face.

"Then where are you going? It has to be his room because no one is in the house except him and Hawa. Hawa's in the kitchen so it is him." He shook his head, pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance. "Tell me what your up to! What did I say when I said no lying?"

"Makeup." I smiled sheepishly, showing him the bag. I didn't even know where all my courage came from, all I knew was that when it came to messing with Abu Hurairah's life I was an excellent expert.

Huzaifah's serious face instantly transformed into a full blown smile, "Oh my god, count me in as well." He squealed, mischief glinting brightly in his eyes.

I nodded, "You have to show me his room cause I really don't have any idea where it is."

Huzaifah nodded and we both tiptoed across the house to Abu Hurairah's room. Huzaifah quietly creaked the door open and I slipped in finding Abu Hurairah snuggling his pillow, deeply asleep. Was this a good idea? I was in a guys room right now, something I've never imagined in a million years.

I sat on the edge of Abu Hurairah's bed and wickedly took out a waterproof eyeliner and mascara. Huzaifah stood beside me and gave me a huge smile and thumbs up. "Do it!" He cheered quietly, pumping his fist in the air. 

Abu Hurairah appeared handsomely tranquil and calm with his eyes closed, deeply knocked out. If only he was like this in real life, I would have accepted him as a husband. From what I know until now, he hated my guts very much. His snarky remarks were always at the tip of his tongue ready to spill and if I were to die, he was prepared to see me without any hesitance. He pretended to care about me just because of my parents strict orders, if they weren't here Allah knows what he'd do to me.

I hesitantly unscrewed the eyeliner and softly lined both of his eyes thickly giving him the cat eye which almost touched the end of his eyebrows. Next, I took the water proof mascara and thickened his already long eyelashes making him look utterly pretty and feminine.

"Aww, my bro looks so pretty. If only he was a girl, I would marry him right now in a heartbeat." Huzaifah sniffed quietly, getting all emotional pretending to wipe his eyes. 

Suddenly Abu Hurairah stiffened and knitted his eyebrows in his sleep, both me and Huzaifah looked alarmed. I would be super dead if he finds me sitting on his bed. 

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