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Safoora POV:

"You will stay here and ponder over what you just did. I know you're angry but do not make any attempts of escaping or jumping out of the window." Huzaifah commanded, furrowing his eyebrows angrily. The last time I was grounded, I made an attempt of escaping through the window only to find myself dangling to it. Huzaifah, mom and dad found out and I was in big trouble and my window was grilled with metal the next morning.  Even though I was almost seventeen, he treated me like his babysister!


"No 'buts' or I will bring mom and dad in this mess." He glared angrily, slamming the door shut. I wouldn't really care if mom and dad were brought in this mess, but that would make no difference because I would still be grounded for throwing my heels at Abu Hurairah's face. 

I absolutely hated my life.

I was up here ever since the afternoon and probably stuck here until next week, all because of Abu Hurairah. Abu Hurairah was a trusted guy in the family, if he said something, everyone would believe him because he was honest. On the other hand, if I uttered a word, it would be dismissed easily because ... let's just say lying skills makes you untrustworthy and never saves you from these kinds of situations.

If Abu Hurairah wanted he could turn my life into a living hell, I knew he could do that. Abu Hurairah's words were his power while mine was to fight back. If he continued accusing me, my life would be wrapped around his fingertips and my future was going to end in a disaster. What did I get myself into?

I was doomed.

Even when I tried talking to my brother, the person I loved the most... he valued Abu Hurairah's words over me. I felt totally betrayed. Yes, I know I lied to him a lot in my childhood years but that doesn't mean he falls for Abu Hurairah's fallacious words. Sometimes, I feel like... I don't even know my own brother.

Right now, I was thinking of many ways to kill Abu Hurairah. I could poison his food, kill him with a dagger or a knife. No, maybe the chemicals in Huzaifah's lab would be enough!

I took a piece of paper and pen and stabbed it ceaselessly to cool my anger. As much as I wanted to throw things around, I wasn't going to let Shaytan take control of my head and give me dangerous whispers. So for now, I was going hum 'Audhubillah' a hundred times and torture this piece of paper until my anger slowly evaporates.

Suddenly there was a soft knock on my door bursting me out of my bubble, I abruptly looked around startled. I sighed heavily in anger, it was probably Hawa coming to apologize.  If she was in her right mind she shouldn't have come up here right now, I wasn't going to accept her apology that easily. If she hadn't pried in Abu Hurairah's business, I wouldn't have been in this situation!

"Come in!" I hollered angrily. I was going to give her a piece of my voilent roaring mind. 

The door creaked open and I was face to face with my nightmare, the devil himself. I hastily eyed the room for my niqab, where the hell was it? I guess I lost it after entering my room and tearing it off angrily.

I was not going to let him see me. Not now, not ever!

My niqab was my shield. 

It secured all my emotions, it made me bold, it made me tough and it made me who I am today.

Without it, I was defenseless.

Abu Hurairah POV:

It was already evening and there were little to no guests left in the house. Me, Hawa and Huzaifah were tiredly slumped over the sofa and of course me with an ice pack over my red bruised cheeks. Safoora ... was probably upstairs locked up in her room grounded all because of me. 

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