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"Be in this world as if you were a stranger or a traveler along a path." - Prophet Muhammad. 

"If you make it to the evening, do not wait for the morning. If you make it to the morning, do not wait for the evening. Take from your health for your sickness, and from your life for your death." - Ibn Umar.

Abu Hurairah POV:

I couldn't breathe. 

Sobs choked my throat.

Why was I feeling this way? 

Lonely. Isolated. Deserted.

I stared down at my Quran, my eyes scanning over the holy verses repeatedly retracing each line of Surah Naml multiple times in my memory. At least this journey back to hifz wasn't a complete waste, at least I got to perfect my dour.

"Can I sit?" Huzaifah pleaded again, disturbing the aura of tranquility surrounding us all. Ali, on the other hand didn't give a crap, in fact he was quite enjoying his wrath. He looked like a circus clown, holding his ears with both hands, with one foot up while balancing a pencil on his nose perfectly. I even caught him retiring for a few minutes to text his friends when Moulana Ahmed had looked away, leaving him unmonitored. This was probably the best day of Ali's life!

"Fine," Moulana Ahmed sighed, "Sit, I am being entirely merciful right now! I was gonna leave the class anyway for a few minutes." He got up, dusting the unimaginary germs off his thobe. "Hafiz Huzaifah, you're in charge!"

"I will surely keep the class in check." Huzaifah nodded professionally, looking away and snickering under his breath. Nope, this was not a good sign at all!

Osman rolled his eyes, "I still don't understand how Moulana Ahmed trusts him so much."

"Me niether." I shook my head.

As soon as Moulana Ahmed was out of the room, all of the students glanced at Huzaifah for meaningful directions. Huzaifah professionally cleared his throat and gave the class an equal share of his attention, "Student's, as me as the new teacher of the class, we will have new rules. Number one..." He searched the room, his eyes roaming on the walls and finally landing on Ali. "Hafiz Ali, have a projector with you?"

Ali nodded and brought the particular mechanism out of his blue stuffed backpack and handed it to Huzaifah gleefully, Huzaifah grinned and began lecturing the class again. "Thanks so much Hafiz Ali, so where was I?"

"New rules for the class?" One of the students stated innocently, placing Huzaifah back on track on his stupid lecture. 

It had been three years since I was away from this holy place but it seems like huge changes had occurred in the meantime. Old hifz students had abandoned this place after completion while new ones replaced their positions, it was a never ending cycle. Each year hafiz's were produced from this holy place surrounded by angels, only the ones who were destined by Allah. I was glad I was one of them.

"Oh yeah, rule number one. Do not, I repeat do not ever listen to the teacher!" Huzaifah began confidently, projecting a photoshopped picture of Moulana Ahmed on the wall in a beach tropical shirt, black shades and knee-length shorts. There was literally no way Moulana Ahmed ever wore those kind of clothings in his life. Never, it was definitely photoshopped! 

The entire class erupted in a fit of a throaty laughter when a big red cross covered our teacher's grinning face.

"I swear Huzaifah, you'll get in big trouble." Osman deadpanned at Huzaifah's childishness.

"Agreed." I nodded curtly.

"Relax guys, there is nothing to worry about." Huzaifah shooed the matter carelessly, continuing his lecture about his stupid new rules. I was now hundred percent sure about the actual reason behind his medical career, he choice science knowing that he'd make one of the dreadful teachers in the galaxy.

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