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This chap may contain some future and fictional content. Remember this story is taking place in the future, so it may sound different than any normal story. Hope you guys like it😉

Safoora Pov:

 "Wake up, it's fajr!" Hawa yelled, throwing a pillow at me. Waking me up was one of her worst nightmares and we both knew that clearly. 

"Why?" I whined, taking her pillow and covering my face with it. Well technically, my ears to muffle out her words.  Why was life so annoying? I hated waking up in the morning. I wanted to go home and snuggle inside my bedroom, my living heaven. Half the time my parents were out and my aunt and uncle were there to fill in for them. My aunt Hajara was always the best second parent ever, she didn't care for how long I slept. 

"What the hell Safoora? Get up now!" Hawa screamed, blowing up my eardrum. I could literally feel the hot steams coming out of her head. "I'm going to the washroom to freshen up, you better get up by then!" She ordered, stomping off to the washroom.

"If you end up being Huzaifah's wife, I'll have one heck of life." I mumbled unconciously, barely aware of what I was saying. Why did I think they looked so good together?

"What?" Hawa stopped in her track. "What did you just say?" Hawa instantly snatched the pillow away from my face snapping me awake.

"What do you mean 'what'?" I asked groggily, trying to rub the sleep of my eyes.

"What did you just say?" She narrowed her blue eyes giving me the cold look.

Suddenly everything came flooding in my mind and I facepalmed myself for saying such a word. "I said woah Hawa, you're giving me one heck of a life." I smiled convincingly making it as convincing as possible. 

Hawa gave me one long glare before turning aroung to leave the room. "I want you to be awake by the time I come back." Hawa muttered furiously. She was like my older sister, always trying to boss me around. I didn't mind though, she was better than Huzaifah! Just kidding, Huzaifah was god damn smart and way loving not like most careless older brothers these days.

"Hmm, okay." I whispered recklessly.

As soon as her footstep faded away from sight, I sighed in relief. Thank god she never questioned me further.

Hawa always woke up an hour before everyone did and she had to pull me up too from my beauty sleep just to keep her awake. She'd recite her dour while forcing me to do the same. 

Getting up, I tried rubbing the sleep away from my eyes, but as usual my sleep overpowered me and I felt my eyelids drift away. Maybe... a little nap wouldn't hurt! I mean what will Hawa do? Probably scream her lungs out again.


"Safoora, what are you still doing in bed?" Hawa shouted loudly in my ear, jolting me awake. Yup I was right, she did scream her lungs out!

"Huh what, I'm not in bed I'm doing my sabaq?" I whined.

"Your dreaming, wake up now!" Hawa yelled, throwing a bucket of water in my face. Shit, I wasn't right about this part!

I instantly got up trying to steady my breath. "Did you really have to do that?" I scowled, wiping my wet face.

"Did you really have to sleep forever?" She mumbled dramatically, rolling her eyes. "You know how it works around here, the washroom is empty now. When sister Aiza comes up for her morning shift everyone is going to be rushing to the washrooms. I don't think you want to go in there in the rush hours. Don't come to me complaining if you can't hold your pee anymore." She rambled on, still with a deep frown etched to her face.

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