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Hawa POV:

"Call me weird but I wanna be an Allergist." Anabia declared stubbornly as she sauntered with me towards class. Her bag perched lazily over one of her shoulders, her navy blue scarf wrapped around her head and a black hoodie covering her silhouette nicely.

"Seriously, why do you want to drown the rest of your life in allergies?" I deadpanned, dragging myself with her through the halls of our university. "You are very weird."

"Hah, I knew you would say that." Anabia grunted irritably, slouching her shoulders. "My weird interest in allergies is something you won't understand. I mean they are colourful; there's blue ones, polka dot, red ones, runny ones, glittery ones." Anabia mumbled dreamily like a child, her eyes casted in space as a ghost smile appeared on her lips.  We both came to a halt in front of her class, ready for our final seperation for the day. 

"Ashadiyah was right, science is bad. Anabia totally lost her senses!" I mumbled, waving my hands vigorously in front of her face hoping she would snap out of it.

"I told you, you wouldn't understand." She said shooing me away, "Bye gotta go to class, this is where we part." She called before entering her class alone. At the end of the day, me and Anabia would be parted because of the different classes we took depending on our studies.

As soon as she was out of sight, I abruptly hastened my pace to mark my presence in my class that I shared with Huzaifah. My hands were piled up with a mountain of textbooks and notebooks, as I scurried to make it there ten minutes early before time. I tried to subdue my new clumsiness trait that I was feeling for the past couple of weeks or a month. I was constantly drained and worn out and it totally irked me to the core, just when I wanted to study I felt a wave drowsiness enclose upon me forcing me to retire promptly for the day. 

I was sharply pulled out of my thoughts when I felt myself crash into someone's body, all my books instantly clattered to the ground falling out of my hands. I couldn't grasp anything clearly, I felt blank and knackered, everything was dawning upon me slowly with a little progress.

"Are you alright?" Osman asked perturbed, picking up my books from the ground and pushing them back in my hands. Yeah, I was just standing there completely fazed and bewildered like an idiot.

"Sorry!" I gasped, cursing myself heatedly for crashing into a non-mahram guy. I quickly lowered my gaze, clutched onto my books tightly and began walking away briskly towards class. Oh Allah forgive me!

"Hey, wait." Osman called, making me halt in my steps. What does he want?

"Hmm?" I paused in my steps waiting for him to speak up.

"I wanted to talk to you about something." Osman mumbled nervously, his hands flying to his neck in embarrassment. Osman wants to talk to me? What happened to his bestie Huzaifah? I thought they poured their hearts out to each other and even have those 'emotional break down contests'.

"What is it?" I asked calmly, slightly turning around.

"I have a confession to make... but I think only you will understand. I like-"

"Go on Hafiz Osman." A familiar voice challenged, "I am all ears, what's the confession you need to make?" My head abruptly snapped towards the owner of the voice, finding my brother eavesdropping in our conversation with a smug look. He was leaning on the wall close to us pushing his messy hair back lazily with one hand, wearing black jeans with a black jacket over his white hoodie. When did he come here?

"Why are you here?" I groaned, looking at Abu Hurairah who was throwing threatening glares at Osman. "Don't you have school?"

"I'm on my lunch break. I'm here because Huzaifah forced me." He mumbled without breaking his tense eye contact with Osman. "Anyways, Hafiz Osman what confession were you going to make to one of my ladies? My fist is rising higher and higher here, you just gotta utter the next word and it'll collide with your jaws perfectly." He showed off his fist like the overly protective and dramatic brother he was.

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