Dressing up and Casino Games

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Zeke is now in his private room and looking through the Interface looking for clothes to wear to this party Jesus invited him too. He messaged Jesus to see what to wear and Jesus says its similar to a poker game like party so comfy clothes are welcomed. Zeke calms down and decides to just go with the flow of things and buy a Black and Yellow striped short sleeve button up. and classic jeans and dress shoes and he feels comfy that way. He also bought a black head band and buts it on. He then looks through his world for a gift to bring to this party and which gods will accompany him to it as several could come.

Thinking on not knowing how this party will be and is a little nervous he should bring some of his stronger gods and is told to bring at least five. He looks through his list and decides to just send out a message to them all. He did so to see who will respond first and then that's who will go. After about a minute he gets 5 responses at the same time and opens to see who they were and is surprised by the selection.

The five that will be accompanying him to the party were in Order Tiamo, Aruno, Kayana, Kiviku, and Glacera. As they were the first five to respond to the message and were told to get dressed for a party and causal wear is fine. Zeke then sends a message to Life and tells her she is in charge and to have the 3 Upper gods to support her in progressing the others and world.

All she sends back a message with a wink and kissy face ended with Lol ok. Zeke was confused as he wonders where she has learned to use texting and the likes and decides to approach that problem another time.Zeke the shrinks down to his former height. When he comes down stairs he is greeted by an unseal site of his gods dressed vastly different from each other.

Tiamo is in large overalls with a tight black shirt underneath and his long hair I a pony tail and rocking open toed sandals and classic black glasses. Aruno was in a sundress and with a light colored shaw and a big sun hat and nice slippers. Kayana is wearing a large raincoat with a braid and a Sun visor and holding a large item wrapped in a sheet. Kiviku on the other hand is wearing large baggy pants and many blankets around his waist and boots. While he has a head band to and his regular glasses with a tank top. Last but not least was Glacera who is dressed in all a fine black suit and blue shirt, with a nicely designed scarf around his neck covering his mouth like always and even a matching chest pocket scarf.

Zeke was impressed by their personalities and choices in clothing but Glaceras was the one he was most confused by as usually the god would only wear his scarf. He was rather impressed by the simple worded gods choices in fashion. But when he made sure he got his gifts too bring and the others ready he say his goodbyes to the others who saw them off and then the elevator shows up and they enter it as it adjust to Kiviku's size and they are now on their way.

As they go in the elevator the music catches Aruno's attention and she seems to enjoy it but Zeke listens to it a realizes its No Diggity and knows Jesus seems to like 90's music and notes that in his interface. When the elevator stops and the doors open they are then greeted to a scene of a dark red casino like room with large ceilings and a bunch of differently dressed gods and so on. when they enter they are greeted by Jesus and a woman in heavy Gothic Lolita attire and hear,

(Jesus  ( Oh!! Zeke you made I welcome you and your gods to my get together I see your brought gifts haha. The gift table is over their also make sure each god of yours draw a number to see if you get to be a part of the games.)

Zeke ( Games? What do you mean by games?)

Jesus ( You have to wait and see because I can't spot it just yet also their will be prizes for the winners of each game and their god they serve. Also the buffet is on the left side and the monitors are on the right side. gambling games or further from the door then just for fun games too so go on and enjoy also you, also say hello to Hunack she wishes to have a word with you.)

Zeke turns to the gothic Lolita chick with a fan and and she has a somber look to her but seem to be interested in Zeke. She was much larger then Zeke who was standing at 6'8 already on earth but she was at eye level with Kiviku. She then  speaks to them as Zekes gods go to look around besides Aruno who is a bit shy,

Hunack ( Why hello their sir Ezekiel it is a pleasure to meet you after all this time, my name is Hunack P. Moonstar.  I wish to know how my gift to you has been fairing on your world if you have implemented them this far?)

Zeke ( Oh Yes hello back to you and thank you for the Dread race they are doing well in my world actually my own sons are half dread cause of me choosing to explore the world as that race. So actually I'm very grateful for your gift.)

Huncak ( Oh ah ha ha ha im glad it could be of great use to you oh young god of mine. Will we will part her for now as the games will start soon and I wish to get a good seat for it. I hope we can cross paths once again but not in the games, for that will be your lose.)

Zeke watches as the giant woman walks away from him as Zeke is a bit confused but decides to walk around with Aruno for the time being before the games start. They reach the center of the casino and it was a large circle seating with booths and tables with large monitors all around. in the dead center was a large stale with the words bet and screens showing moving numbers and percentages. 

They decide to take a booth and ask an angel were t sit as he guides them to one and then explains the betting system. they Bet PP and have a minimum of 10M to play as they are here for big spending. Hearing that Zeke was amazed as he barely has saved up only 15M by now and that's without spending much. Hearing this he thinks of how much others are betting on these upcoming games and thinks if he should participate, then he feels tugging on his sleeve and looks to Aruno who speaks,

Aruno ( Um great father I would like to enter the bets if I may?) 

Zeke is surprised by the sudden turn of events of seeing Aruno eyes glitter at the thought of gambling and ha a sudden chill not to stop her as she seems determined with it but plays it off as gentle. Zeke just gives in and puts down a bet for 11M when betting starts and the games take place. Aruno giggles and thanks him for that and he tells her to bet on who she thinks will win in the games. She nods and then orders a drink for them two and some appetizers. 

Zeke and Aruno enjoy the site of the different gods and goddess as one was a walking grandfather clock, another was a large pile of slime with floating eyes, one was a small fairy like man with 3 pairs of wings. One was even a large giant cup with arms seeming to dance across the room with a cigar in its mouth. Then as they enjoy the scene an announcement starts to play and it is Jesus is over,

Jesus ( Ok everyone we will be starting the many games of todays get together!!)

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