Demanding and Gift

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Zola ( Why I didn't expect you to be down here on the surface let alone in a vessel none the least,  so did you get lonely with out me?)

Laura ( It's that plus I need to get my in take of being around you sometimes you spending months down here not even writing me.)

Zola ( Well it's not that easy to send letters to the god realm to the second highest being and expect them to be there with in a moments notice.)

Laura ( My my my it seems you have kept me in your mind and heart, any way how is the request from Helgon going so far?)

Zola ( I just made it to the city just the other day and met the heroes I think they believe im a monster of some sort. But it seems to be just fine for now I think they are gonna tart follow me soon.)

Laura (  That seem to be the case from the juries told me so far, but I'm not here for just to see you I want you to come with me and spend some quality time with you.)

Zola starts to drink his tea when Laura drops a big one on to him,

Laura ( I also want to have a baby>)

Zola spits out his tea in a dramatic manor and his eyes go as wide as dinner plates and looks at Laura with surprise. He tries to process her words for a moment and then begins to speak,

Zola ( What did you say?)

Laura ( I want a baby Zola, I think its time for you to give me a child to bare and raise or at least watch grow on the surface.)

Zola ( But but but that would would mean we we we.)

Laura ( I know what it means and I will say this now, I will always accept your feelings if you accept mine. I want to bare your child and be your wife so I will tell you this now give me a child now please.)

Zola ( Isn't that a bit of a aggressive means to a child?)

Laura ( Well I know you very well and decided to make a move on you while you have no options to intervene or run away from me.Knowing you are weak to taking the lead so I took it upon myself to do this.)

Zola ( But a child from the two great gods will be an upper god doubt and that would even them out so I think we should maybe plan this for another time.)

Laura ( Nope this is not up for debate you will give me a child in this vessel tonight and I mean it.)

Zola ( But)

Laura ( No it's gonna be now and no debate now come with me now.)

Laura puts money on the table and grabs Zola by the collar of his hood and drags him out of the restaurant with a devilish smile on her face. After dragging him into her inn and then time passes for about two days as Zola weals out of the inn seeming skinnier and colorless. As he slowly walks back to the church to report in for not appearing in several days he arrives and they try to get him to see a healer about his apparent sickness. But he manages to convince them that he just needs food and sleep as he crashes on site of his bed.

The scene changes to a week later as Zola is now in a small back ally standing on top of local adventurers that were hired to kill him. Just as he was about to question them the Heroes appear and look at the scene. They then ready their weapons and tell him to surrender and turn himself in for attempted murder. Zola stays calm and says that he was set up and for them to try and look at the scene carefully. He then mentions on how did they know he was gonna be here. Hanlio tells him to stop the excuses and to stand down but Arti stops her and speaks,

Arti (  We were requested to investigate some one attacking Adventuers recently by the high judge Gegre.)

Zola ( My isn't that convient I too was sent here by the same judge to apprehend some hooligans that are using their status to try and get money out of the locals for protection.)

Hanlio ( Lies he mentioned that some one has been using a false seal and claim for several months now and it all leads to you.)

Zola ( Oh then your words only help my claim more. Because if I do recall I just came to this town no more then a week ago. Now I've been accused of this crime for several months yet if only some one seen me arrive.)

At Zola's word all the heroes lower there weapons and realize they have been played by the high judge. Also knowing Zola was set up because they witness his arrival to the city just a weak ago. They look at each other conflicted until Zola breaks the ice and asks what their purpose for coming to the city. They look at one another and then Dinaya steps forward and says their current mission is to find the monster general hiding amoung the city.

Zola then reveals his quest to them and says that God Helgon has sent t him here to find the same monster but that it was a high ranking official. They talk some more about the situation and on why would another god interview in their journey. Zola smiles and says that the gods have their own agendas but it's for the benefit of the world. He then takes out a large sheild from his bag and hands it to Royford. Royford grabs the sheild a bit hesitant but when he does he feels a strong power from it. He then equips it and says it's not like anything he has welded before.

Zola smiles once more and mentions that the sheild was created long ago by the God of Craftmenship herself. It was to be a symbol for the great one but was left behind when she ascended. He says he found it in an old village east of here and bought it. The heroes look at him in awh wondering if his tale is true or not but one thing is the sheild was legit. As they look back to the sheild and then to Zola he is now gone and all seven of them are speechless on what happened. Zola who is now back at the church packs up his stuff and is ready to set out to the next city on his list. Knowing he will run into the heroes again and can't wait to bestow upon them more weapons. He them leaves knowing he has sent the heroes in the path to kill the general and on his way out he is then grabbed by the back of his collar and is staring down a wild beast staring at him like prey. Cold sweat falls down his back as he now knows he won't be leaving for another day as his eyes go become those of a dead fish, as Laura drags him back to her inn.

Well you died and are now GOD.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora