Elements and Interactions

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Having calm down a bit Zeke opens the interface again and starts to scroll through shop looking for something interesting to buy that can make his world more interesting. He finds a system called RPG System that lets the people have a private interface that allows the user to see stats and info of their own.

He purchases the system and implements it and is letting the people discover it them selfs and see if they will expose it. He then takes out the Divine Power of Element and then reads the bio on the power and sees that it covers all types of elements. Such as Fire, Water, Earth, Air, and more. He think about how he should make the god for the power then he gets a abstract idea then purchases the body of making. He then starts to shape the body into a male with a slit built to him. He then sections off the body into 6 parts all different sizes and then makes them into a different elects that are active. He makes the two eyes pure white ovals and a simple mouth that smiles. 

He then give them a nice hair due in a proper stature to him he then makes pulls out the power and fuses the two together. The body floats and shines then falls like the other gods, Zeke then thinks about what to call him and his thoughts start to wonder. He think of the name and smiles he takes the body to the surface level in a tropical island he puts the body on the ground.

Zeke ( Awaken Zivel god of the Elements and Mischeif, now rise and mold this world.)

Zivel eyes wakes up and they are blank as snow he stands up vertically with out moving a muscle and then bows to Zeke and says the same pledge as the last, Zeke tells him to arise and he holds his hands behind his back and then smiles. Zivel then speaks to his lord,

Zivel ( Oh great father what is it that you want me to do?)

Zeke ( I want you to mange the world and cause natural disasters when pessary and beauty as well, you can also have your fun and mess around. But you can only do so with in reason.)

Zivel ( Yes my Great father I hope I can make you proud, may I have some fun with the inhabitants?)

Zeke looks at Zivel  and thinks that this guy is gonna be a play boy, He recollects his mind and then gives his consent . Zivel smiles and thanks Zeke for his consent, Zivel then starts to mess around with the island forming it into a temple for Zeke. 

Zeke leaves Zivel to his own thing and returns to his thrown room where he found Tiamo who has a worried expression on his face. Zeke remembers that when he went into the rage Tiamo was in the room with him at the time and took the full blunt his anger. So he believes he scared his grandchild and now understands what he did. He lowers himself and then calls Tiamo over to him and apologizes for his actions. He explained why he got like that and that he does not want this in his world. He then hugs the boy and comforts him saying he will conduct himself better if it happens again.

Tiamo then hugs back and rubs Zeke back trying to make his grandfather feel better, He then gives Zeke a flower that he made just for Zeke. After some time Zeke opens his interface and read a notification and slaps his face.

[ Your god Zivel has impregnated a woman of the Huntyar race] 

After reading that he feels a head ache coming, he thinks that he just made a Zivel moments ago and he already has a child on the way. Zeke thinks that what did he create and how did he find a woman of a secluded race to do it with him. He  summons his newly created god to his throne room.

Zeke ( How come I just created you and all ready you have a child on the way.)

Zivel ( Great father I have stayed with in the rule you said.)

Zeke ( Yes you did but why so soon did you make a child a soon to be Demi-god)

Zeke talks to him and reprimands him the best he can and sends Zivel on the way and told him he can't have another child until the last is ascended to the god realm. Zeke then opens the screen to view the Huntyar village that his future grand child will be born too. He sees a Huntyar woman with a mask that looks like a tree with beautiful hair and who's stomach is bungling a bit and humming a song to it, She then gets a knock on her door and opens it to see an older Huntyar woman.

Well you died and are now GOD.Where stories live. Discover now