Brothers and Daughter

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Ung and Ang are a pair of brothers who are on a hunt searching for a rare beast they were commissioned to take down. The two are famous in the area for their team work and power they are only a year apart. They are to hunt down a large lizard called a Mutabe know to destroy ecosystems and kill the ground around it. 

Ung and Ang are in a deep forest and Ung is holding a Spear and Ang is holding a large shield and short sword. They use their power to control the fight and defend themselves from most attacks. They both are now aware and keep attention to their surroundings, the mutabe looks like a t rex with no arms and a large tale. They have glowing yellow yes and can replace their fangs like sharks.

As the brothers proceed they discuss how to skin the beast and what they want to make out of the corpse. Ungrounds is very tall and dexterous his spear is a part of him, he has brown hair which is short and clean cut. Ang is very powerful and tough he can move his tower shield as if it was made of feathers, he has a medium mohawk and seemed more collected. 

The brothers then hear a large cracking sound coming from the front of them. Then the ground starts shake and a pair of yellow eyes appears in front of them growling at the two intruders who enters its new territory. The two quickly dodge the charging beast and then get into their stances  Ang gets to the front of his brother and starts to get the beasts attention. The Mutabe starts to circle around the two and tries to see a opening to attack the duo.

Zeke and his gods watch the two brothers slowly slay the beast the Mutabe seems to be very out classed. The beast is dead and the two brothers start to make their way to skinning the beast and talking once again how they should proceed on with weapons. They return to town and get their reward from the town and are now in a bar drinking against each other. Now the two are beating the hell out of each other talking about who got the killing blow on the Mutabe. They proceed to beat each other more and more until they knock each other out.

The next day when they wake up in a local infirmary ward bandaged up by the nurse and told they really beat the hell out of each other. They laugh it off and start to pay their bills and start to make way to the local smith to get their weapons commissioned. The gods then decide to watch a different part of the world to watch seeming to want to see a softer scene. 

The area they are now watching a small girl in what seems to be a large mansion reading in a giant library of books and seems to be deeply involved in the book. She has large glasses and a air of nobility to her but seems more unkept and messy. She is reading through books like drink cups of water. She hears a knocking on her door and then sighs then puts the book down and walks over to the door answering it.

When she opens the door they're seems to be a middle aged woman in a maids uniform starting to nag her about getting sunlight and making friends that are not in books. The girl seems very uninterested in the topic and tries to close the door, but the maid puts her foot in the way and grabs the girl by her collar dragging her away to go wash up.

After washing up the girl who is a now looking like a respectable young lady who has a cramped look on her face. She tries to quickly escape but is caught once again and dragged to a very beautiful garden. In the garden is a older noble woman holding a tea cup awaiting for her child to appear and getting ready to scold her a storm about rejecting a marriage offer by insulting the brain level of the man.

When she arrives in the at the garden she gets a cold chill in the direction of her mother. Her mother makes her sit down and the maid then ties her down by her masters orders. Her mother then delivers a long scolding to her and even threatens her to go out and get married or no more books for her and she will be cut off from her family. 

She tries to explain and reason to her mother but she does not budge a bit on her demands. The girl manages to convince her mother that she will do something other than reading but not marriage. She is then released from the ropes and then makes her way to the library the maid stares her down and reminds her right away about the conversation.

She starts to write and plan and asks her maid to retrieve several documents and to make meetings with some merchants. After several weeks of discussing with things with the merchants and signing contracts. She started to make major profit from her business investments and then starts to make Avery good name in the money making aspect. Weeks later she is in front of her mother again who has her tied down and staring cold stares at her child once again.

The gods watch as the scene repeat several times and they bust out laughing every time seeing the daughter really try to get out of any arranged marriages. Obitel brings snacks and refreshments around to each god and they all have a great time seeming more relaxed and less stressed from their godhoods. Zeke looks. at each one of them have a great time and he can't wait to see what world they will watch next.

Well you died and are now GOD.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ