Jesus's Message Counsels meeting

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Zeke looks at the request and is speechless, Jesus Christ has sent him a friend request and he doesn't know what to do. He looks at the request and then clicks accepts and sees his feed be updated and is surprised to see that Jesus mostly shares videos on the Amazon rain forest and spicy fruit salads.  Zeke was reading over when he also sees quotes shared from Mariah Careys page, Jesus seems to be a very laidback guy he then gets a message from Jesus. Zeke opens it and is wondering what it can be,

[ Hello their Zeke its nice to see you are doing well now that you became a god, I was wondering when you will get on GB. I wanted to check up on you since you came from my world, I read through the reports Dia has been sending me out of my personal request. Also the big boss has asked me to take you on a tour of our god realm and let you see how we run things with all the other gods with me.

So when you are ready to come over send me a message and I will send some one to come pick you up. See you soon Zeke oh make sure your dressed business thank you and have fun.]

Zeke is then taken back even more and sits up from his bed and trying to collect his thoughts what he just read. Jesus was gonna give him a tour of the god realm of earth and was checking up on him behind the scenes of things. Zeke close the screen for now and decides that  he needs to hold meeting of his gods to make sure every thing is set up so he can let them mange while he is away on the mandatory tour by the One above all.

He first starts to collect the stuff he wants done in broad details  so that he can make sure that those are made in the other gods eyes. He also started to draw up a suit design he wanted to me made so he can wear it to the tour. He then sends out the message to the gods and then opens his interface and makes a large meeting room so they all can sit around and talk there. He then falls from his room and lands them onto ground and starts to make way to the new meeting hall. Once he arrives to the hall he sees all his gods their sitting on two sides of the table.

In the right side of the table Is Infintino, Kulema, Zivel, Waxer, and Solusa. On the left side is Eternina, Viota, Tiamo, Kayana, and Barluna. When Zeke walks into the room they all stand and bow at him and he then makes his way over to his seat at the head of the table. After he takes his seat they all take their seats again and now waiting for him to speak of what the meeting is about. 

Zeke ( Thank you all my children to come to the first council of the gods. We do have some new gods who are now taking up their roles and feel a bit inexperienced but do not worry you will be naturals in due time. Now on to the purpose of this meeting, I will be stepping out of the realm for a few hours and will leave Infintino and Eternina in charge of the realm while I away. )

Hearing this the gods are shocked and speak to each other about what he will possible be doing and the task he has to do. Zeke takes back the control of the meeting by coughing and they all turn to him and wait.

Zeke ( Since I will be away for some hours I will hand each of you tasks I want completed by you and how you want to done. Just make sure the task is done before I return the world will be set in motion on a time of 1000 years when Sequoia and Helgon pass by their times they can ascend to Demi gods with these cores.)

He sends one core each to Zivel and Viota and says that they will test their own children and make sure they meet the bars he will set. 

Zeke ( Now for the tasks I have at hand, Infintino I want you help the world progress in to an age of magic and exploration. 

Eternina I want you to develop the church and gain more followers you may uses the bloodline I have won and select a worthy being to inherit it in their own family. 

Kulema you will make the soul domain self governing and will only rule from the top and let every one else mange the paper work, you also will help Infintino with the world development when your first task is done.

Viota you will help with establish more countries and laws among the worlds leading them to develop and better society along side Eternina's Church. Make sure that you punish those who are racist and biased based on race.

Zivel you will create more monsters and give them more of a aggressive nature and let them evolve when they meet certain criteria. I also make some boss monsters that will make the world residents try harder and get stronger to slay them.

Tiamo will help develop culture and traditions among the people so they can have history and keep track of it too.

Waxer I want you to help develop military leaders and proper ranks and respect among them so they can defend their countries from enemies. I also want you to have Barluna's help in developing it as well. 

Kayana I want you to develop the arts and crafts along side the people and make them rise in quality and level I want them to become masters of masters.

Solusa will help develop magic and rise the levels to the world, I want them to help make the magic easier for the people to use and make life easier.  

Barluna I want you to assist Waxer and also redefine the combat system making it easier to follow but harder too master. )

Once he says the orders that all start to make plans and develop what they have been assigned. Zeke goes over some more details and then he starts to  explain that he is going to be away on business and wants to make sure everyone is busy. He also said that if any new children are born he wants to be messaged and told who the parents are and follow his setting for them.

Infintino and Eternina are then given guidelines on how to deal with situations that seem out of nowhere. He then talks says if any type of evil situation appears pause the world and wait for me to come back and he will personally handle the resolve. 

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