Sins and Virtues

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As Zeke laid down to take his nap Lige watched the world from the god realm in the throne room with it filled with five different interfaces showing five events taking place all around the world at the same time. She observes them and says,

Lige ( Fate is now in full control of these lives and now to see how they will come together at the end of the story our three children are a part of.)

in the first monitor of the screen, it shows two odd individuals both female the first is a Seeker with firey-like horns as if the flames they imitate were alive. with bright red hair and wears a large fur coat seeming made from a fresh kill. While the other was a Magistar woman with blue tattoos and a bald head wearing a roman senator robe looking at the other with a look of wanting to listen while the other was focused on a fire subject they are on the floating continent in a beautiful garden at the edge of the floating lands discussing.

The Seeker woman speaks first,

??? ( So have you thought of what you want to do when you descend to the lower world? Hm Fusha?)

Fusha ( I have thought of a few ideas on my future occupation I wish to uptake when I descend but I would not call it a lower world per se. I would call it the wild one more or less but lower definitely not. Now besides that tell me Wione what do you plan to do with this chance?)

Wione ( I plan to rule over those who submit to me and build a strong world I see fit to rule probably start by taking over those battle junkies Seekers. Still beside that just tell me already what you are gonna do Fusha!?!)

Fusha ( Calm down my lover I will in due time wish to surprise you with my plans so if you would wait I would be more than happy for said time to reveal.)

These two are part of the sins and virtues Wraith and Patience opposites but some were fond of neutral ground. overtime of their birth and growth have become especially close to one another. It will be time for them soon to descend to the world below and live how they wish without causing any problems for the goods unless allowed. 

Fusha says so with a gentle smile to Wione as the prior blushes and turns her head away to hide her embarrassment. Fusha giggles at he lover and they proceed to talk more about their plans and locations on their descent to the world below. Fusha says that the gods are about to send her to the world in a day which causes Wione to feel a bit sad but knows it's only going to be lonely for a little bit until they meet again on the surface. 

The two stayed together until a Tiamo appears and motioned to Fusha that its time for her to go. The two kiss one last time and say goodbyes to each other as Tiamo and Fusha become transparent and fly off to the world below. Wione looks longingly at the disappearing image of her lover and then thinks she will go there soon and meet her once again. 

But unannounced to her or Fusha tragedy was only what she will find, Several months later she finally gets to descend to the lower world as well and is excited to see Fusha again and to see the surprise she has waiting for her down there.

Similar to Fusha she is led down there by Tiamoi who tells her that she must follow the rules the gods put in place for them to be on the surface, if not they will receive capital punishment. Wione nods and agrees and says goodbye to Tiamo who disappears into thin are and leaves her by herself on a common road. Wione then starts to make her journey to fulfill her plans and reconnect with Fusha where ever she may. be in this world. 

As time goes on Wione starts to adventure and journey across the central continent killing monsters and beating up jerks and thugs in every bar or tavern she happens to stop in. She slowly makes a name for herself as a very famous Mercenary and recruits outcasts and thugs to her corps. They eventually know as Hateful. When they enter a battlefield every single member seems to embrace the rage and anger in their very bodies. Seeming to move entirely on experience and instinct, Even Wiona who fights with a giant great sword is called true hate as she swings her weapon with great emotion cleaving every hill in half easily. 

Eventually, as she searched and gained more power and people she found a lead to Fusha as word of a sort of saint was on the eastern continent who matched Fusha's description. so with that information, Wione made sail for the east to reunite with her lover and is excited to see her once again.

After a long journey to the east from the central continent they are close to reaching the city in which Fusha is said to be based in. After arriving in the east All the info Wione and her men gather mentioned a blue tattooed saint who is not a part of the church and as be making ways to help improve the city she called home. She heard stories of homes being built frames expanding and a small famine ending after the blue-tattooed saint arrived seeming to inspire those who joined her cause. Hearing all the great news Wione was even more excited to reunite with Fusha as they approach the city gates they see a semi-destroyed gate.

Seeing this Wione commands her men to get ready for battle and they start to rush towards the city town square, when they arrive and see many of the citizens imprisoned by knights wearing religious sigils and oppressing the people who look sad and defeated. in the middle is a giant fire as several people are about to be thrown in the knight's turn to see the rather large mercery corps arrive awaiting their orders.

Someone who looks to be in charge as they wear a robe and not armor carrying a large staff seeming to command the bunch of Mercenaries. Wione ignores the man and looks around to see if she sees Fusha but could not find her as she looks around even faster something catches her eyes and sees a bit of burnt white robes that match the ones Fush wears next to the fire. without hesitation, she rushes over there to collect the piece but a knight pulls his sword to stop her.

The robed man tells her they are the Holy inquisition and they came here to deliver divine judgment upon one who claims the title of saint. which is a sin that is punishable by death. Hearing this Wione looks at the robed man and asked what did the so-called saint looked like, the man scoffed and then described the woman explaining how when they set her ablaze she was calm and look at the sky saying sorry then died in the fire. 

Before the man can go on Wione's Large sword bisects the robed man and knights next to him in half as she screamed to the sky. The world seem to shake at the blood-curdling scream that was heard that day by everyone present. seeing to be engulfed in a red haze Wione becomes more disfigured and beastly as those around her start to change except the knights who try to ready themselves to kill Wione. But as they do the very sky turns red and everyone else starts to surround the knights, citizens, and mercenaries who seem to become like mindless beasts whose eyes go white and whose bodies become deformed.

All the knights look around the nightmare surrounding them and try to attack the people but then they all start to scream and all the hate and anger of those possessed to come to the surface. Empowering them. the knight's attacks become useless as they are all rounded up and slaughtered like pigs in a pen. At the center on top of the corpses of the knights covered in blood and crying tears was a monsterfied Wione who let the power she has, have her and envelope the people as well.

As the cry goes on a couple arrives at the city gate with a spear and staff in hand as the sky over that city goes from blood red to a solar eclipse. the two walk through the gates looking at the monsters that once were beings turn to them as they ready to fight.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2023 ⏰

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