Barluna vs Fai

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Zeke watches  as the next match is called as he tries to calm the anxiety in his heart as he thinks of Waxers defeat. But then watches as Barluna walks out of his side and she seems to be in a sort of trance as she walks to the center holding a new spear which Kayana had made her a while ago. Then after she arrived in the center they announce her opponent from Regalia's side, every one turns and watches as a woman walks out but she has legs of a predator. But the most eye catching thing about her appearance is the she had three faces one in the front and the other two on the sides. She walks up holding a Ball and chain as well as a one handed sword in her other. She is then introduced as Fai 

The two look at each other and a pressure is created seeming t cause real sparks to fly between the two woman. Then as the match is about to begin the field is chosen by Fai and it is a open Quarry title hills around it. After that the matches start and Barluna charges at Fai with spear in tow as she swings it with pure power at the other god. The spear is then met by the blade of the sword and a powerful clash happens causing the hair on both their heads the blow in the feedback of the attack. 

Then as if natural they start to clash faster and faster as her spear blocks and parries the sword and the ball and chain. The clashes draw the ash of the audience as they ignore anything other then the one in front of them as sparks fly more and more. Then Barluna manages to get the upper hand and breaks Fai's defense with a powerful swing and then spins her spear and throws Fai into the a nearby wall of the quarry. Causing dust an d rumble to go into the air and blocking her view. Then as she gets ready to strike again she sees the ball come at her at a fast speed and is hit right in the stomach and goes flying her self holding onto her weapon with out letting go as she hits a wall.

Shew manages to recover as she dodges a sword slash to her chest but then receives a kick to the chest and is backed against the wall. Then she only blocks as she is takes a barrage of punches and kicks to her body. Eke watches as around tries her best at defense but knows she is a better attacker and might not be able top keep up with this assault. The as it seems to not stop Barluna drops to the ground and delivers a punch to Fai's stomach causing her to make some space. Taking the opportunity she then take both hands to the spear and swings it with strength to Fai's ribcage causing her to be throw into the air.

 Barluna then charges at the quarry wall closest too the thrown Fai and runs up it as a trail of dust follows after her. She then runs up the side and leaps into the air where Fai was spinning her spear with force as she then swings it down and hits Fai right across her chest as Fai then is thrown into the ground as she coughs up some blood and seems in great pain. Barluna seeing the chance one again spins her spear in her hands and starts to plummet towards Fai who is trying to recover from the hit.

But she manages to barely block Barluna's second attack and is pierced through her shoulder slightly. Barluna jumps back to gain some distance and delivers a heavy blow to Fai's weakend side. Then Barluna feels a chain wrap around her arm and tries to back away again. Doing so she is stopped and is pulled back to Fai who is using all her force.

Barluna then receives a heavy punch to the face and is sent flying back on the ground. She now lays on the ground motionless as Fai falls to her knees barely staying awake. The Ref looks at the Barluna and calls the Match to her opponent, the cause was knockout. The crowd erupts in a mix of cheers and boos as the stage a gods are fixed up and carried away.

Zeke starts to feel his heart beating really fast and tries to calm down knowing that thier is still a chance for him to win. He then looks to Regalia's side to see he showing a condescending smile his way causing him a bot of angry to boil in his mind. But soon turns back to the field to await the fourth match.

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