Isla Gale (1)

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Back on the ship Sewnara was collecting her thoughts on all that has happened so far and how now a group. of unknown beings are taking her to her lands. She also looks into the cause of that large snakes random attack on them and what was its goal. She then thinks of the only other being on the ship that is not a small feline creature and how he seems so familiar to her own husband in almost many ways.

She thinks about it some more and tries to compare their similarities to each other and even their auras have an odd similarity to them too. She pushes that thought to the back other mind and then as she seems to calm down a bit then she goes crashing into her cot with several other loose items as a large sound is heard. 

Sewara quickly recovers from the event and rushes out her room and to the deck were the others are waiting. Most seeming worried while Tact seems nonchalant about the whole matter. Jirka is holding his face and seeming tired of the situation. Sewnara then looks to see that the ship has crashed on a island and seems heavy damaged. Then she hears Brew,

Brew ( Captain how did you sail us into an island that was clearly in site ma?)

Tact ( It was not inside it just showed up na, honest na. I was sailing in clear waters na.)

Brew ( So you want to play the fool huh?)

Tact ( But I am not na!)

Brew ( Sure ma. Sure now I'm going to talk to the rest of the crew with you sitting in the time out corner until I say other wise ma.)


Brew ( Yes yes you are and now you are also the captain of the corner ma. So go now.)

Tact with a sullen look on his face walks t the corner and stands their defeated seeming too pout a bit. Sewnara now understands more of the ships crew ways of dealing with certain things. Brew tells them after sometime the repairs will take a week max as they need to make new part. So they start to set up camp nearby on the beach each with their own roles in setting up the camp. Sewnara was told to help gather wood for a fire and to be careful.

She does that with a Golem's as they gather wood and then as they return to the campsite they hear chains rattling and look to see the ship being dragged upon several logs and onto land. All being pulled by one person. Sewnara looks at the power of Jirka singlehandedly pulling their large ship onto land by himself seeming effortlessly.  Sewnara has never seen such a site ever not even the Gigalon can do this by themselves it would take at least ten minimum. But Jirka was doing it by himself as if it was nothing and the Nekoi's are not making a fuss of it at all. 

As the ship is now on land the shipwright Rin is talking to Jirka and seems to be making the calls on what they should do and in what order. Sewnara and the rest finish setting up camp and rest awaiting the time to pass. As night approached and the only light was from their main fire as most of the crew are resting besides Thatcher and Brew are on guard while the others rest. Just as it seems to be a normal night a large bright green light flashes into the sky making Thatcher and Brew jump up and shout to wake everyone then a large rumbling sound comes from the forest and then a large burst of wind hits the two Nekoi's.

Then all the crew and Sewnara are readying for unknown forces then a large stone being breaks through the entrance of the forest. It towered threefold over them and charges at them as a green aura of energy gathers around its hand. It then sends a burst of mind magic at their direction Tact, Jirka, and Gole grabs the others and jump out the way  of the blast. Which destroyed their camp, Sewnara manages to cast a quick counter attack speed which missed its. Tact then yells at his crew telling them to get to cover and to work together to kill that monster, They all respond apart from Sewnara and Jirka but he nods. Then they all start to scramble and get to different hiding spots. 

Gole runs towards the golem and starts to pick up medium sized rocks and throws them at the golem attracting the attention. It starts to direct its attention at Gole and then Brew starts to cast a sort of magic and he inhales and then releases a large breath of smoke magic from his mouth causing the area to be shrouded in smoke. 

The golem starts to cast another wind blast but then a large chain and anchor is thrown rapidly and is wrapped around the golems arm and is pulled. The golem gets pulled in fast with a jerking motion stopping its wind blast then it barely catches it footing and sees Jirka pull the chain barely through the smoke then it tries to come forward towards him but it slips unexpectedly . On its feet were oil traps set by Juniper and Rin as they rush back into the smoke. Then a blast of ice hits the golems head causing slight damage, then the golem cast a whirl wind around its self and clear its view until it sees the anchor being thrown at its head again and on it is Tact wielding his saber and stabs it straight in the head destroying it. 

But as it looks to be over Tact is blasted away into the water as the golem gets back up as if nothing happen. Confusing the crew as they believed to have killed it. But then Sewnara who now has a clear view of it sees its damaged self and a shine green rock in its chest and shouts,


Hearing this Jirka pulls back the anchor and spins it rapidly and and the with more power throws it right into the chest of the golem who was preparing for a large wind attack. But then stops as the anchor destroys the green rock and then golem starts to crumble slowly.  Then it all falls into a pile of rocks and such making everyone relax a bit as the unknown enemy was now defeated.

They all fall to their knees with relief as Tact comes to shore and catches his breath and see what has happed. After a few minutes they all approach the pile of rock and start to investigate were Sewnara takes the lead at the strange site, while the others regroup and start to rebuild camp and build defenses. Sewnara looks at the pile of rock and finds strange lettering and runes on several of the rocks and doesn't even recognize it at all. 

After the night has past and everyone was rested up at breakfast she says to them,

Sewnara ( I believe that thing that attacked us was man by some one rather something I would like to go deeper into the island and investigate some more.)

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