3 more Races and Meeting of Heroes

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The upper gods watch on Zeke and Lige from Infintino's room as Zeke speaks and thanks Arti for his actions in this time when they were powerless to do something about. While Lige sits on her throne watching the children sleep on the world as they all have lost a sense and she could do nothing about it even though she was right their they look on them and speak,

Obitel ( How do we help our great gods in such a time they almost had their children taken away by a higher power than us and even so we could do nothing. )

Infintino ( They just watched their children be harmed and even scarred for life and could do nothing all. What could we have done we couldn't even descend to help at the time all space around the city was out of my reach.)

Eternina ( Even time was not under my control I can't even rewind it if I even wanted too. What has happened happened all we can do is handle the aftermath of it to the best of our abilities and support the Hero Arti in protecting them more until they can stand on their own.)

Obitel ( The great goddess  gave all three of us new race creation options to help bring more diversity to the world was her plan but this has happened so what should we do>)

Eternina ( Why not make them and put them on the southern continent? We will have the spirit kings of wind and water to keep any ships away for a period of time until they new races are of equal standards to the others while we guide them in vessels.)

Obitel ( But three new races on only the southern continent will be problematic no? Wouldn't. they just conflict over terrorizes since its not as big as the other continents.)

Infintino ( The north is large but barren, the eastern is almost more then half explored and with be finished in a matter of time, the west is only about 15 percent explored but is mostly desert  the central continent is more forest and plains to it as it home to the gigalons. I think we should make the southern continent large enough to match in size to the western while putting these new races on it to prosper.)

Eternina ( How about we make the races close to their environments but not depended on it,  such as mountains, jungles and tropical? We place one o the races in each and they all rule with in their environments but they can explore around their environments fine and further.)

Infintino ( I was wondering if maybe if we should make two of them rivals but not enemies and the third as a neutral race to talk between them. Then can their be more warlike races and a race of negotiators to help in case of more wars.)

Obitel ( Agreed we shall go with that plan and start to make our races based on the zones Eternina has set for them. I shall take the mountains.)

Eternina ( Ill take the jungles then.)

Infintino ( Then that leaves the tropical beaches to me then shall we agree to make them all close to the same size in height at least or shorter if you wish?)

Both the other gods agree to his suggestion on the height and then they all open their interfaces and start to design their new races so they are equipped and suited for their initial environments. 

Obitel starts by making his race about 8 feet tall and humanoid like but they have long whitish gray or brown hair on their bodies except covering their chest and faces. They have strong bodies and seem to have dexterous feet and hands. So they can climb the mountains better and have better grips. They have two eyes and are gonna be hunter gathers as well foragers for roots and birds. They have a high tolerance for the cold and high altitudes, he then names them the Yet-tah. 

Infintino then starts to create his he matches Obitels height and size making them humanoid but then he makes them semi aquatic and scaled similar to lizard men. They are more hunched over but with large frames and thick arms to use to swim in the water.  He gives them a large tail to balance the weight on it and to swing around for attacking. He made them fishermen to feed themselves as well as warmblooded to make sure they don't go into hibernation in the cold. when finished he makes them range in color form blue to green to even yellow and then names them the Scaled.

Well you died and are now GOD.Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα