The Boys growing up

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Zeke watches as Arti and the boys train to improve themselves with their curses and to make a better situation of the tragedy. Arti teaches them each differently <Jirka no long speaks but his body has become strong and Arti trains him in the art of hand to hand combat. Jirka slowly grows muscle and seems more focused on his actions and getting this thoughts through even with no voice. He became more gentler and seems calmer but Arti knows he holds a deep self loathing for himself as he blames his weakness for his mothers death and brothers pain.

But Arti hugs him and says to not hold in that pain as it will only bring more to his soul of he lets its linger. Jirka even learned to control the martial arts system and seems to have a natural talent in the arts.  He also seems more reliable and connected physical to himself as he seems more grounded than the other two.

Viam on the other hand spends many hours reading in the large study of Dinaya's tower, and seems to understand difficult concepts and magic circles to the degree of debating them the best he can. Arti would teach him such concepts as he figured Viam is very intelligent and seems to be more mentally aware of many things than his brothers. He even found errors in several books Dinaya wrote herself and helps build a solid foundation for her to increase on her own studies. Arti even taught him how to use mana through his body to heighten his senses and even  develop sign language so he can speak to him directly with out belittling him. 

But Arti knew deep in Viams mind he has a deep seeded hatred for beings who use magic to harm innocents since the event. He told Viam that there is good in the world and he has to still look for it and not all is evil and cruel. 

Lastly he would go to the garden with Dusza and they would talk about their feelings and what was on their minds. Dusza was more heart driven and seemed more emotionally stable compared to the others. Duzsa had a hard time adjusting to his blindness and would run into many walls and corners. He would learn to sense them later and would move with out a problem. He would also seem to go to the church more often than the others as he had deep faith in the gods he believed help them live. He seem to have grown more spiritual and seem to meditate for ling periods of time in nature, but Arti could see a seed of rage growing in the body as he was hard to calm down some time and would almost seem berserk at times.

But he would calm him down and teach him to control that rage and make sure it does not get the better of him as it could be his greatest strength but also his greater weakness if used poorly. Dusza seems to fight using the body pressure points and mana points to weaken his opponent and give him the advantage. 

Arti watches the boys grow as they each develop in their own ways ad face many things they must over come to grow even stronger. He and the boys would travel around the central continent and Eastern one as well visiting many sites and towns together and bonding together as they learn many new things. Each seeming to turn become their own and individuals as they seem to be growing from their experiences. 

Eventually on their 17th birthday the four of them are now in a dinning room and are celebrating the birthday and seeming to be asking Arti why did they hold such a small party for only them. 

Arti then has a great time with the boys as they all seem to have a great time but then as thy enjoy themselves Artis grabs his chest in pain. He coughs violently and seems to turn away from the boys who look at him concerned. When he manages to stop he looks into his hand and sees blood and black vile knowing its a sign. The three boys then rush to check on him but he tells them he is fine and they should keeping enjoying themselves while he washes himself up.

When Arti comes back the three are looking at him to explain what is going on as they seem determined to know no matter what. He signs and sit down then explains to them that he has only a certain amount of time left until he has to leave. They ask him what does he mean and he explains  he made a deal with the with after them but had to trade something equal to save their lives. Once he explains all of then Dusza stands up and seems angry with Arti for not telling him sooner. Arti tells him that they were just experienced their mothers death and didn't need another pressure on their minds growing up. 

They look at the Arti as he seem to unleash something to them and they all sit down from the talk Arti tells them. Eventually he tells them he has only a year left with them until he has to leave them forever and wanted them to be happy. Dusza storms off and Viam rushes after him worried about him as Jirka stays behind with Arti. Jirka looks to Arti and then gets up and goes to his brothers as Arti looks at the table and knows his days are now counted.

Zeke watches the scene of Arti coming close to tears in the lonely room as he has to prepare they boys to be good with out him. Zeke to knows in a years time Arti will have to leave with the OBA and he seems to be worried about that. Just as he looks at the scene Like walks in on his office and puts her arms around him seeming to sense his heavy aura.

Lige ( Zeke you must have a stronger heart for Arti and the boys as the deal would soon come to a close for him.)

Zeke ( I know Lige its just what will happen to then boys when he really is gone Dinaya said she will help them but their pride won't let that happen as she is setting down finally. I worry they will go down the wrong path without those guiding light of Arti.)

Lige ( You must have faith in Artis parenting style and that they will go down the right path even after he has left them.)

Zeke ( Your right Lige I must stay positive about them Arti has been making sure they know right from wrong and should put faith in to him. Now all we can do is wait for her to come and get him now can we.)

Lige ( Yes my love we must let fate pulls its strings on those it was supposed to do.)

As Lige looks up to see a bright black string going out of the god realm and connect to the far off OBA knowing it is Arti's own fate now out of her control. The two look back to the boys as they try to be everyday with Arti but seeming to be a bit distant until Arti forces himself to make them still have a great time together as he does everything he has normally done with them. From training more intensely, talking about very complicated theories and even reaching a deeper understanding of ones own hearts and minds. He makes sure they do not see him deteriorate so he can leave a good image with them. 

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