Doa vs { }

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Doa walks up to the deranged looking god who has no name as he wasn't introduced with one, Doa on the other hand does not care and then his two scythes appear in his hands but this time a large chain appears at the end of the weapons. In the audience next to Tiamo Kayana is breathing heavy as she admires the chain she made for Doa. She then goes on talking about how after his fight with Waxer in the tournament they held themselves he requested her to upgrade his weapons so he can have more creative freedoms with them.

Back on the field the final match begins and the moment it happens the two gods clashed already as the spear and shield are holding off both of the scythes. Doa then head buts the god causing him to fall back little but then catches himself and lands a kick on Does side but he manages to rebound from it. They separate and the two stand off. As this happens the audiences goes crazy as both of these gods seem a bot different from the normal as one is laughing manically and the other is roaring like a mad beast. They love it as they seem to be clashing faster and faster seeing sparks fly. 

Jesus who is still the host watches from his private area with interest as he knows the out come of this match when he shows a small smile and then turns away from the fight and seems to walk out of his private area to greet an shadowy figure as they shake hands. 

Back at the match Doa is thrown into a wall and spits up some blood as he is rushed by the enraged god. But as the god try to rush him he feels a sharp pain in his hand as now a scythe is lodged in it. then he feels a strong force pull him into his original direction. When he looks back he sees Doa who's arm in wrapped in the chain some what bleeding by how tight it is pulling him in. As Doa's other hand comes down on him with the other scythe as he shows a very toothy grin with wide open eyes. 

The God throws up his shield and manages to block the scythe but then still feels a sharp pain in it as the tip of the scythe pierces the shield. but it ignores the pain and then tries to use the momentum that pulled him in the stab Drain the shoulder. Doa dodges the attack by turning his body side ways and using the chain he wraps in around the gods leg and then with all the force of his one arm pulls up the chain causing the god to go flying with both scythes still in each of it arms.

The god now in the air seems to panic a little as he has no solid base to use for his footing and squirms in various directions to try and defend back to the ground. As this happens Zeke looks over at Regalia and sees she is making a very nervous and angry expression as they make eye contact and he feels her aura turn very deadly but he does not break his gaze with her as he feels more confident. She turns away from him and looks back to the match seeming more angry than before.

Zeke looks back at the match to see Doa using the chains to down pull the god into the ground like a comet. The god crashes into the ground spewing blood up like a geyser as he is then pulled again with the chains. as he is dragged by Doa who is laughing as he bashes around the god. Watching this the god starts to reach for the scythes in its arms but can't as its is pulled in to Doa and feels a heavy blow to its stomach. Then the two scythe are ripped out of its arms and blood goes flying covering Doa who stabs them through its shoulders. Then Doa gets thrown off it and slides back but quickly recovers holding on to the chain still. 

The god tries to get up and remove the scythe but then as his arms grab the scythes the chains are then quickly wrapped around it. trapping the god. As Doa comes in front of him punching right in the face sending him flying again as Doa runs after him not letting up. He then gets on top of the god who in on his side still trapped seeming to still be their but coughing violently.  Doa Then starts to beat down the god with his bare hands seeming to still be laughing. After a couple of hits Doa grabs his scythe handles and then rips the out and then stands up and looks at the god who is breathing heavy and he speaks,

Doa ( He is mine and only I can hurt him, only I can be then one to out shine him, only I who is worthy of his damage will be the one. Now be gone inferior waste of space.)

As he says that with all his strength he throws the chains over his shoulder sending the god into the air again and as it gets thrown into the air the chains unravel, the spear and shield fall out of his hands as he spins in the air going limp and then Doa jumps up a slashes through the armor of the god as blood spills every and Doa lands gracefully as the god lands in a pile of blood and a short shower of it falls on top of Doa who smiles one last time and turns to the door and walks slowly As The arena staff run to see if the god was dead The audience goes pure silent as they await the call of the ,match and one of them goes to the center and is broadcasted through the screens and speaks,

Announcer ( I will announce the out come of the fifth match after review of the match and careful examination the nameless one is alive and will be fine, so with still being in the rules the winner of the fifth and final match is none of then DOA!!!! WITHT THAT THE OVER ALL WINNER OF THIS BET IS THE ROOKIE GOD ZEKE!!!!!)

Once that was the crowd breaks out into an even louder cheer of mixed emotions as that final match was the best of them all. As in the crowd their is a mix of many different reactions of this out come, some happy others and many who analyzes the matches got their core stats and set details. 

As hearing this the two gods who were the opponents of this match show different reactions Zeke shows a relaxed and seems to have a burden off his shoulders and feels light as a feather. As his gods hug and celebrate their sides victory in this .While Regalia is fuming mad and seems to be cracking her chair handles with impressive strengths and then slams her hands into the chairs breaking the handles. Then as they celebrate and rage Jesus shows up on the screens and gets everyones attention. He then begins to speak...

Well you died and are now GOD.Where stories live. Discover now