Heroes life and Memories

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I remember when I was a boy fighting off those bigger meaner boys who bullied me for being the only piber in the city. After many months of bullying me the got bored and moved on to the younger kids who were too scared to fight back. so I decided to stand up to them and fight back getting into a fight with bullies to the point the director of the orphanage had to get several others to stop the fight. But by then I had already beaten the bullies and got in trouble for starting a fight with the bullies knowing the grown ups would not listen by I decided to stand up for myself and others until I can leave this place and work as adventurer.

Several years later I reach the age of 13 and leave the orphanage to start working in the city. I work as a laborer in the construction yard now pulling a cart filled with stone to different work sites and try my hardest to work until I turn 15 to finally become an adventurer. I now rent a room from my boss on the work on site and even on my days off go to the magic quarter to watch the street mages use different magic as and learned to feel mana. 

I felt the mana and it seem to feel like running water in my body and its as I  can kinda flow those rivers in my arms and release the mana from my palms. But every time I try I feel a cold sensation take over my body and stop. I ask an older mage who works in the same site as me and he says that I must learn to control my mana better and afterwards learn my attribute. He says if I keep trying to do as I do I will be poisoned from the mana and will die a painful death so I heed his words with the upmost caution. 

Another two years pass and I am 15 now I have worked and trained my mind and body to pass the time. I have gain the ability to properly use magic but not like a mage but a fighter. I prefer using weapons over a wand or staff out I just cast it using my hands. My attribute of magic is Ice I can also use water too but I better with ice. The same mage co worker says it's because I'm a piber that I have such good affinity with ice. He goes on to explain that they originate from the norther continent and live in ice and snow year round. 

With the ice magic learned and basic sword play I tell the boss I'm resigning and applying to the guild. He wishes me luck as do some of my other coworkers seeing me off at the sites gate. I leave with all my stuff which was basically just a bag of closes and a old sword I bought I make my way to the guild and register. upon entering the large guilds on a wall above the counters is two paints of the founders of the guild. Gresug and Xen as a kid the workers at the orphanage would tell stories of these beings and how they made the world safer with the establishment of the adventurers guild.  

I walk past the crowd and make my way to registering counter and set everything up and after 30 minutes of processing and magic I officially am a Adventurer. I was then told about the details of the guild but I already study the rules before hand and know basic knowledge bout it. I go to the quest board and look for a beginners quest that will help me make some money to pay for a new residences to stay at. I. accept a simple gathering quest and another one to slay some rabihops in the forest far from they city. I was told two gather their corpses and bring them back as proof, as the gather quest was in the same area I accept both and on my way to start out this new chapter of my life.

After doing the quests I come back to the guild and turn in the items requested and to be paid for them. When I get to the counter to turn in the items they accept the gathered plants but question me on why were the monster corpses cold. I tell them that I the ability to use ice magic and they seem to be skeptical of me even though I'm a piber eventually I'm pulled into an interrogation room as i am questioned by a buff older man about what really happened with the corpse. I tell them the truth but they still doubt me. So as proof I freeze the mans feet to the ground and then his hands to the table he tried to escape he just slammed his face into the table. he gets angry but a woman comes in and tells him to stop on her orders and she releases me and apologizes for what happened. I didn't really mind but was asked to use my ice magic on their storage to keep things frozen and better quality better.

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