Storms and Souls

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Trono then tries to deliver several blows to Zolas head but they were dodged and Zola lets go of him  and pushes him back. Trono lands a bit away and instantly charges as fast as lighting into Zolas guard and tries to unleash several bolts of lighting at him. Zola blocks the bolts with his hand and then cast earth magic to stab Trono but he dodges with easy. Trono then has wind swirl around his legs and hands and shoots air blasts at Zola who moves out of the way but can feel the aftermath of the lasts as if tiny hurricanes have formed around him.

The field seems to become a array of twisters and lighting bolts causing the ground to come up, while stone spikes shoot out of the ground making the scene look like hell. All the while the rain is falling down on to the scene making it seem worst than what it was.  Zola throws aside his weapons and then covers his arms in earth magic as he stares down Trono who's eyes seem wider and almost pure red as he show a crazed smile on his face looking at Zola.

Then Zola charges at him and strikes down on the ground where Trono once was causing a small crater to appear and many spike appearing in a line afterwards. Trono unleashes a fury of wind blades across the field in every direction not caring who it hits only that it will hit Zola, Zola sees this and feels the intent of the actions and shoves his hands into the ground and creates a large wall. of stone to cover the entire side of the field the rest were on. He then is hit by a tornado and gets sent back a bit, he stands then with his power knocks it away with pure power.


 Trono starts to fly into the sky using his wind magic and then concentrates a large amount of magic to his arms and raises it over his head. He then starts to form a large ball of cloud and lighting from it, it grows a foot a second and orange lighting crackles out of it. Zola senses its and knows Trono is planning to him and the entire city with him if it means to destroy him.  He stops messing around with a fist fight and then as Trono's attack is about to be cast and thrown at him he activates his Divine power but this time pauses reality all together. He the appears in front of the paused Trono and then places his hand on Trono's chest and the other on Trono's attack and redirects the attack into Trono's body. Once the attack was gone he then unpauses Trono's eyes and ears and begins to speak,

Zeke ( You know nothing of power or the will of the gods, no god kills innocents to kill a supposed monster. Now you will feel the pain your attack would have caused by ten fold. Afterwards you will be trialed by the gods for your actions and be punished for them. NOW FEEL TRUE POWER!!)

Zeke the stops his power and the attack then enters Trono's body through his mouth eyes and ears as if being absorbed. Once done his body shakes violently and he screams out in pain as he slams to the ground and seeming to steam from the attack. He looks at Zola as he cries ad drools blood he grabs the ground but it makes no difference at al. He cries for help but Zola looks at the Demi god wither in pain as his body keeps contorting and jerking from the ongoing attack.

After ten minutes of groveling in pain he falls on his stomach and looks up to see a pure white pair of eyes crying tears at him. The figure then bends down and puts Trono's head on its lap and says sorry for not being a father to this lost child and that now he will have to pay for his crimes Trono looks at the figure and it feels comforting and he keeps crying blood then his eyes shut for the last time while Zivel just pets Trono's head in a gentle manner and tries to stop his tears from  falling to much. Zola walks up behind the grieving father and puts his hand on Zivel's shoulder saying he can be with his child once the trial is over and will make sure his soul is not destroyed. Zivel nods and then the father and son are enveloped in Lighting and disappear from the world only leaving a fake body double of Trono to hand over to the city so Zola can keep him safe from trouble. Zeke the sees the rain stop falling and the clouds start to break apart showing a beautiful sky as a ray of sunshine lands on Zola. 

Zeke looks up into the sky and starts to realize he took the life of some one, he would have freaked out and his mind would have gone all over the place. But he was calm and collected but he felt tears fall from his eyes and wipes them away he realized ever since he became a god his mind has changed and things on earth would have been different. 

The scene changes to him laying down in the church and being tended to by a healer and is being questioned by some one from the lords house. After several hours of questioning he now is laying down and is sleeping in his room resting the body and gets a message saying the trial is underway and that Lige will pass judgement and tell him it afterwards. He sleeps  into the night trying to process the feelings he is now trying to re submerge his mind with his feelings not wanting to be heartless. He tries to remember his old way and if he really has a soul or if he has really become a god with no soul.

Well you died and are now GOD.Where stories live. Discover now