Circus and Songs

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Zeke looks at the performer of the circus and sees Helgon and Arun a pair that catches him off guard as he didn't think those two would be so close. He sees that Aruno is in the body of a female Huntyar named Mildal and Helgon in a Gigalon male named Jules. The two decided to descend to the surface and get a faction as they enjoy their company secretly unknown to them Zeke's watchful eyes. 

The two each took on the roles of a songstress and strong man as they work for the ring master as they were picked up a couple years ago since they are a bit different. Mildal mask seems to be like rippling water and her voice and mesmerize a crowd. While Jules can lift heavier weights then the average Gigalon and even rip stones in half but has an extra set of arms like Sequoia. He wants to play the brute for once and not the intellect, he asked Aruno to join him on this because he finds her interesting and wishes to get to know her with out finding his intentions on it. When he asked she turned as red as an apple and seemed to accept his request after giving a long winded acceptances.

Now they were setting up their circus in the city of Kiviku Yulla and are excited to preform their new set the developed over the course of a couple weeks. Jules was with the other Gigalons and setting up the main tent while Mildal and others were setting up other stands and benches for the future crowd. After they were done setting everything up they got to spend some time with each other touring the city. 

After an hour the reach a spot iconic to the city a statue of Kiviku killing the great disaster beast in his enraged mode. Under neath it is a small bard playing a tune about Kiviku and his fight with the beast it went as heard.

(( Come gather round me and listen to the tale of a man so great he never once failed,  crushing mountain and river and forest and hill. His figure so grand it can't possible be real, with eyes ember and skin of stone as tough as weather and iron bone.  He was the the kindness there ever will be picking flowers and cheery with glee.  But one day the city was said to be, destroyed by a monster that no body can reach. The guards the soldiers and the adventures stand on top the wall with weapons in hand. They ready themselves for a brutal fight believing themselves to be the protecters of life. The beast ran forward and charged so fast they and believing this battle will be there last.  

But before it could attack the wall another grand figure stand in front of them all. It was no other than the figure they knew the large man they called Kiviku. He clashed with the beast in his mighty form he roared so loud that lighting was born, with all his strength he throw the beast into the smaller mountain that once said laid in the east. The two mighty figures fought with passionate rage you could only see if painted on page.  the battle went on with the mountain to dust as Kiviku knew that win he must. But soon the battle reached its end with Kiviku the and still standing so grand. The beast was slain by his very hands and this the story and reached its end.))

The two gods know very well of this battle as its still possible to watch the screen of it in the records all of the soul realm. The bard played several more songs to the crowd about Ketamines and her mark on the city and even about Royford and the heroes journeys. But then the two gods realized that the bard singing the songs so good was none other than the Hero of Aruno himself Thereus. They knew he was on a journey to spread the song and stories of his friends and adventures but didn't really check before descending to the ground. Aruno knew if she song around him he would probably know something was up but didn't what that to happen as she wanted to enjoy her time with Helgon for now so the two went away to another area.

After a day of goofing off they started to work as the circus opened up to the public as people juggled and stalls were selling carnival food of their world. Jules was preforming on a mat outside with a staring crowd as he lifts more and more weight on his body seeming to be effortless. He even has several volunteers try and lift the same weight to prove it's no trick. When they did most couldn't even do it while some managed up to a certain amount. Then he started to juggle the heavy weight as if nothing making the crowd go wild. 

Over on a larger stage Mildal is now singing a beautiful song to the audience who have taken their seats to the show. Every single one of them are entranced by her voice and lyrics as if they have never heard of such beauty in a song before. Then the stage seems like a sea as magic fills the air around them and creates beautiful sight for the eyes. Everyone watching it started to call her the Songstress of Night as when night came around her performance was even more beautiful and seemed to brighten up the night sky.

The night goes on and the people of the city enjoy yet circus and their shows seeing tamed monsters from the other continents. Magic that was newly discovered and even a dread who joined up with them when they preformed at a port town. The dread woman preformed a traditional dread dance in exotic attire attracting a more adult crowd who have never scene a dread before. She even used a form of sand magic that barely any other race knows about let alone how it works. 

 Zeke watches as the two gods get to know each other better traveling around with the circus and making many different beings with their work.  He then watches several other encounters happen all over even watching Tiamo watch Celesti as she builds her knowledge and schools around the continents. He wants his grandson to be happy but knows Celesti will be a god when she passes and  knows how happy he will be when she rediscovered her connection with him. Zeke hates to see Tiamo sad and hopes soon she will be able to rediscover their love ass she is still single. But just as he watches the God of love a nofitcation he's been dreading to see appear is now flashing in front of him and a large door appears and Oba walks out of it as he reads.

[ The day of Arti's deal and the Boys 18th birthday have arrive.]

Well you died and are now GOD.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora