Zeke's private time and Tiamo's trial

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Zeke then opens his inter face after leaving Tiamo's room and sees a layout of his space, then then starts to make a greek inspired garden in a new section with a fountain and grass. Zeke sends a message to Kayano to have her carver some statues of the gods to add to the garden he then gets her response and smiles. 

He then starts to make other rooms that are bland and empty  then he makes a personal room for him that is floating above the rest so he can have his alone time and indulge in his favorite past times. Once done expanding his space he gives a room to each Infintino and Eternina so they customize it to their choice.

He then tells them not to disturb him as he lands in his private room and summons a bed and the dives into the softness and sighs loudly and expresses his relief to relax. He then opens his interface and purchases junk food and manga then relaxes as he relaxes with the world playing on a screen in-front of him. 

Reading his manga from the his former world he gets a notification and all mosts falls of the bed throwing his snacks on the floor and seems disappointed by it. He waves his hand to clean up the mess and starts to read the notification and is then surprised by what he is reading .

 Two of the individuals from two different races he made have just ran into each other and are in the middle of fighting to the death. Zeke opens up to the scene and pauses the world. He sees two beings in the middle of combat, one who seems to be using a spear to fight and the other has a staff and is casting magic. 

The one holding the spear has two small horns on her head and bright orange eyes, she is dressed like a kung fu fighter and has two buns in her hair and a headband on her forehead. Her hair was brown and her skin a pale yellow. She is named Barluna and she is from  the Seeker race.The other is a man wielding a staff, he has short blonde hair and is wearing a robe like garment but with pants and has small balls of what seems to be magic floating around his hand. His skin is white withe some painted marks in black on it, that seem to glow when he uses magic. His name is Solusa and he is of the Magistar race.

Zeke rewinds time bit and wants to see what has caused this fight to happen and what course of action will he need to take to make sure this does not break out into a war of the races. As he watches the fight up to the point her paused it he is quite interested by it. The two are complete opposites but are basically equal in their own rights, neither is gaining the advantage and seem to not realize that. The woman dodges his blasts and he blocks her thrusts with ease, they fight for hours and seem to have paused in the middle of it.

Zeke thinks on how he can solve this problem and make sure that no war may start yet, he thinks some leaving his room and falling down to his throne when he sees his throne covered in books and a child reading them. Zeke looks at this site and bends down to the level of the reading child, who is engrossed in the books he has. 

After another 10 minutes Tiamo looks up and sees his grandfather looking at him with a overspent look and then smiles at himself. Tiamo then realizes that he is doing and makes wide eyes and starts to collect his stuff tho clear out of the way. Zeke then stops his grandson and then opens the interface and starts to craft something.

Back on the surface Solusa and Barluna are crossing weapons, their battle happened when when they crossed path on their separate journeys. When they met they each seemed to be frightened by the look of the other Solusa Sees this yellow looking monster in weird apparel. It was holding a spear and speaks a different laugh that sounds like tongues, it looks like a woman but far more aggressive. It points the spear at him and he threatens back pointing his staff floating a ball of fire around. 

Barluna is on a journey to defeat stronger beings that can give her a challenge after defeating everyone from her temple. She comes across this lanky looking male holding a pole and has dark markings all or his body. He seems to be very observant and seem wary, She thinks he is weak and points her spear at him telling the male to leave her path.

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