Siblings bonding time and war plans

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On the surface world Sequoia, Kiviku, and Glacera are now in vessels of their races but vastly different as Sequoia is missing a set of arms Kiviku is not as large and Glacera's is brown and black fur. Sequoia has taken her brothers on a journey to search for something to do as they are bored with all their current work. Sequoia is the leader of them as her two brothers are on the more passive mindsets to her bold one. 

Sequoia ( Now brothers we are to go on an adventure so we can make memories as siblings since we barely get to hang out in the realm you know.)

Kiviku ( Um Sis you do remember that we were all born in different era's and had to die originally to even meet each other. So why start the bonding time now when their is some new work to do?)

Glacera ( mmm.correct.busy.return.)

Sequoia ( No father has said he will handle our work for now after I told him I wish to spend quality time with my brothers who I barely get to see. )

Kiviku ( ugh fine lets do this for now a vacation sounds like a good Idea doest it?)

Glacera ( mm.)

Sequoia ( Now lets begin the journey of siblings and make wonderful memories to tell in the realm.)

Sequoia leads her brothers to the adventurers guild and sign up and form a party called Element.  They all get their equipment they wish to wield as they each take a different role for now. They decide to go and visit the Federation of walkers as they want to see how the Hero Hanlio is doing since becoming the grand Marshall after her uncle retired and she won the right to lead. As the journey they soon learn that Glacera gets heat stroke easily when not fighting as he seems tired and stoic. Kiviku just walks through the forest with the two on his back since he doesn't mind and Sequoia leads them on the right track.

Kivku ( Sister I must ask I heard a story from Waxer about when you were still mortal and develop a whole city in a forest that is enveloped in nature magic. What made you want to do such things as I heard your former village was very hostile against you.)

Glacera ( mm.agreed.what.)

Sequoia ( As you know my mother is a Huntyar and back then they were very xenophobic to anything that didn't look like them at all. and I have a more revealed face and extra set of arms so I was considered a monster to them. Eventually I destroyed the village and the people with the help of father and then wandered around for a bit I then meet Barluna and Solusa when they were just began traveling with each other. Thanks to a lesson from Tiamo they were very accepting of me and told me about magic and their way of fighting.  So I grew interested in such thoughts and started to research it as I had a talent for nature magic. Eventually  time passed and I took in more and more disciples who started having families and building a new village which just grew one day to the size of a city.  once I realized my time was up I was given a test and passed meeting the other gods and becoming immortal.)

Kiviku ( How interesting we all go down a different path all because of our environments and such isn't that amazing Glace?)

Glacera ( mm.Rigged.Great one. plans. us. Gods. )

Kiviku ( You can say it in a more positive light at least yes their were plans to make us into gods no matter what but still we lived amazing lives no. Mr. I lead entire race of monsters to becoming civilized and respected by every world power in my life time.)

Glacera rolls his eyes at Kiviku knowing it's the truth as he did do that but also helped when the first every war among countries and powers. Eventually after several weeks of travel they reach the federation capital and see how it has changed greatly since Zeke was here. Their are many races living here now and the walkers seem more friendly then before but still seem to love fighting and martial arts but also have a cultured based around meadows and flowers holding festivals for the spirit king Winyona who helps with the meadows and lessen fire spread as of late. 

They get a room in a inn and decide to walk around and get some food before they settle in for the night. they buy some food for themselves and are in a field in the city for the public as they picnic. As they eat Kiviku feels something climb on his back an looks over he shoulder too see several children climbing his locks and seeming to think he was a jungle gym. When the children see his face and stop frozen in their tracks he just gentled puts them on the ground from his back and tells them he's no climbing range. The kids apologize to him but he says it's okay as he uses earth magic to build a small safe jungle gym to climb instead. Some even thank him for the fun as Glacera seems to be the cool down spot for the kids when the realized the cool air around him. 

After the day has ended the children left and the three make their way to their inn and plan for the next day. In the god realm in a new room is Waxer who is sitting on a chair made of flesh and veins and he is obliviously uncomfortable in the room as black chains and distance screams fill the room that is already barely filled with light as currents drop all over and cold steel details. in the other side of him is the rooms owner Kulema who is sipping some tea and then speaks to him.

Kulema ( Thank you for coming to this meeting Waxer I have asked you here on the orders of the great father.) 

Waxer ( Well its hard to not respond to and order from two beings in greater stances them me. But anyway what can I do for you this very moment Kulema?)

Kulema ( Yes the great one has asked me to start several wars on the surface but none on Race or religion but on land and money. I was told that you our god of war should be involved in this as it is your realm. So what group of people do you think should start these wars?)

Waxer ( Hmmm war you say now that's a thing we haven't had since Glacera was alive, but if I say any group of people who should war maybe the Pibers of the north as they been close to civil war for the longest and now with Arti soon to pass they will want to see who is the new Hero of their people? Also since Crashing snow has reappeared I think that can help?)

Kulema ( Yes that sounds like a good start how about the we start a turf war with the three new races at least since they will need to interact eventually. There is also  the xenophobic phobic Huntyar of the southern part of the east as they are now showing aggression with the Nature Magistar of the Far East that are followers of Sequoia. 

Waxer ( But that war might not be so simple as the magistars from sequoia sides are very cruel to those that hate Sequoia. Those Huntyar they hate are from her village that survive that slaughter of Zivel and they Pray to me as for revenge on the evil Monster who was plagued on their homeland.)

Kulema ( Yes I read a report about that awhile ago,  why not do so then they are the percent ones to start a small scale war and others around them will plot to take over. So do you want to be on the Huntyars side or the Magistars?)

Waxer ( Ill that Huntyars but I will make sure they think they'll win but we both know they will lose. )

Kulema ( then that means I'll be on the Magistars side of things so now let's get all the detailed started.)

The two gods talk some more about what exactly they will do in the war and what will be the starting point in the war and those who will rise from it. They  talk into the night as they mention Do a going down as a general on waxers side even to waxers dislike but agrees that will make them look more savage and brutal.

Well you died and are now GOD.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora