Getting into a fight

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eke looks to the little woman in front of h I'm and suddenly he feels a chill go down his spin and then listens,

Regalia ( Why hello their rookie my name is Regalia and I am a great god such as you and see you haven't paid your respects to me as one of the majors. So I've come t put you in your place as its only right to inform the lost.)

Zeke ( My name is Zeke and what do you mean pay respects and how come I have never heard of these majors at all since becoming a great god myself?)

Regalia ( Oh uninformed and blind not knowing the difference in power between great gods, so I'll let that ignorance slide for now but as compensation I demand your winnings as a fair deal.)

Zeke ( Yeah right like I'll do such a thing to a stranger I just met and insults me with out any thing as a conversation.)


The large fish man cocks his arm and try to punch Zeke in the face bas he clearly is enraged but then he is punched in the face and sent flying across the floor. As now an angry looking Glacera who is now in front of Zeke growling with his hair standing up. His eyes are locked on the fisherman who is getting up glaring at the Piber as both seem to get closer to each other. Regalia looks at the scene with no interest as she keeps eyes locked with Zeke who is staring back not giving in at all.

Regalia ( Looks like your beast attacked my escort I will not allow such an insult be allowed unless you grovel on the ground and beg for forgiveness. Only then will I consider not starting a War against you.)

Zeke ( Then let it be War as I don't give into Bullies so, take that look and shove it down your throat.)

Regalia Smiles as she starts to. laughter insanely, the others in the room stare as they look at Zeke as if he is doomed for not knowing what he just got into. Just as she was laughing Jesus shows up in front of the two looking at Regalia with intensity and seeming to cause great pressure in the room. Zeke feels the force and shudders a bit as he has never scene such a thing before until Jesus speaks,

Jesus ( Regalia I invite you on the terms you don't start pointless trouble, but now you pick a fight with my friend and expect me not to get involved then you must be crazy.)

Regalia (  Oh dear Jesus I'm just informing this rookie of where he stands and he insults my kindness and attacks my very own God out of ignorance.)

Jesus ( Im no so foolish to believe your words oh Great god of Chaos, now leave this be and it will be a simple misunderstanding. )

Regalia ( But I don't want to even he said it to be War.)

Jesus ( ....)

Zeke ( I agree with her this is War and I will not back down.)

Jesus looks at Zeke and can sense that he is angry and seems to be ready to fight and then cuts a small smirk and turns his head to the side,

Jesus ( Fine then it can be War then but by my rules and here and now, for this is my Realm we are in not ether of yours.)

Regalia ( Fine then it shall be so.)

Zeke ( Agreed.)

Jesus ( Then pause all games and clear the agendas as now this will be the main event for we will have a Tournament. Five rounds who every wins three of those rounds will be the victor of this War shall be will get what the other Wagers. Their will be no substitutes nor Fatal blows as this is for show now. Now as the aggressor Regal you shall be the one to Offer up first and choose  from your Worlds gods who will fight. No partners can help and if anyone tries to undermine my rules then they will have to deal with me in War as well.)

Hearing this both sides shudder at the pressure Jesus puts off at the end and nod in agreement at his words then both gids shake in front of Jesus and Regalia speaks,

Regalia ( I offer up my Divinety of ___ Orb as my wager.)

Zeke ( Then ill offer up my Winnings from my Bets in my place.)

Jesus ( Then its agree now you both will have an hour to prepare to now go to your respective sides and no one interference unless you are a God from their world.)

Zeke is then inside a room with a large table and no other gods around him but five empty seats in front of him and his interface opened up. The interface shows all of his gods in order like a character select screen and their simple info. Zeke the realizes he has to choose and they will be brought to him. he scrolls thinking of what's on the line and get serious as he then selects two already and they appear. 

They both crash into the room seeming to be in a barefoot brawl as they yell insults at each other not realizing where they are. It was none other then Waxer and Doa as Doa laughs delivering a punch to Waxers face, while Waxer was steaming with angry slamming his fist back into Doa's face. Both gods were always like this as a simple place caused a fight to break out. Zeke sighs at the scene then claps his hands causing both gods to pause and look to see ythier boss with his face in his hands seeming tired already.

Zeke ( I leave for a few hours and you two idiots are still fighting, what caused this fight now huh?)

Waxer ( That dumbass said he was the stronger god? So I was showing him that he was incorrect.)

Doa ( I Did and he was throwing some weak ass hits at the moment so I was showing him proper punches.)



They break out into another fight in a moments notice causing Zeke to slap his face again and start to worry as these two were now on his team. He then breaks them up again and then explains to them to sit on opposite sides or he will beat the both if them down . Once that was settled he then looks over his interface again and clicks on Glacera who shows up still angry as he takes his seat raring to go.

Finally the last to spots he looks over and brings soon to the team are Barluna and Sequoia as Kiviku seems tired and out of steam from his recent fight. So those two were brought in to be muscle as he know both are very strong and have gotten stronger since their mortal lives. He then explains what has happened and why Glacera was so angry at the moment. Hearing this all of them got very serious as Doa shows a very evil and sadistic smile at the thought of fitting a new enemy.

Hearing this they then are met with angel who takes their line up and then gives Regalia's line up which they inspect and guess who might go out first. As now the start of the fights will happen and his five gods now ready themselves and their respective weapons. As War of the gods was soon to. be.

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