Dream Realm, lifting bans, and Metals

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With in the dream Realm Zeke is imagining many things and they appear in front of him and he is amazed by the realm and makes a seat for himself. Then as he explores the realm some more in the distant a large castle pops out of nowhere and then he goes to inspect the new castle. Once inside he walks down the hallway to finds his Qiell sitting on a throne made of pure gold causing her to be seem great. She is making announcements to an empty crow say she is the queen of the realm. 

Zeke ( Excuses me Qiell  what are you doing in my new realm oh so grandchild of mine.)

Qiell snaps her head to see Zeke and now as  a preteen she is a bit nervous knowing that Zeke has caught her sneaking into a place she had no business in at all. 

Qiell ( Oh Grandfather I didn't see you their I was just trying to test out this new realm so I can give a a a report on it yeah that was what I did just now. Not like I was pretending to be a queen or anything.)

Zeke ( Oh really now so you what to rule huh my young story teller then why don't you. As of now I appoint you Goddess Qiell as the ruler of the dream realm since it falls under your realm. So you may rule this realm and those who sleep and are connect to it.)


Zeke ( Ill have you report REGULARLY to Lige and your parents as ruling a realm is not all fun and games young one.)

Qiell ( Thank you so much my Grandpa I will make you proud of how I rule this realm my realm.)

Zeke leave and sends a message to her mother and Lige about what he has done and decides he wants to watch something new this time as he returns to his office and finds a god waiting in their for him. Greeting him is one of his oldest gods Kulema who has finally off her probation just a few days ago.

Kulema ( Great father I have come to your office to see if I can talk to you about my daughter.)

Zeke ( Of course Kulema I'm free waiting for time to pass on the surface so please take a seat in a chair.)

Kulema ( I have come to ask you to please lift the ban on Raiva so she can go to the surface and the soul realm. )

Zeke looks at her in his chair and thinks remembering her trial and banning her from both and to be stuck in the god realm until his say so. He then thinks some more and looks to Kulema and asks,

Zeke ( You do remember why she was banned from the those two realms, she tried to destroy a city in an emotional rampage because of your attention with her. So well she is no longer is no longer the god of war but of darkness now. But still god of emotion she hasn't had any problems since the incident with Kiviku.)

Kulema ( But she has grown thousands of years now and isn't the same girl she was when it happened she's grown up and matured can you please think about it.)

Zeke ( Hm you are right she has grown and has been taking her role serious since stuck to her room. But she still needs to be limited until the full pantheon is formed. So I will lift her band on going to the surface but not the soul realm just yet. I read a report about how you finally got it to be self sufficient but she still will be monitored properly until then. )

Kulema ( Thank you for listening to my selfish request and I now ask what is it you would like me to do for the time being as I have completed your task given?)

Zeke ( Hmm you are free now for the soul domain as its final judge so why not don't  you take on a role up here for now and help Waxer start maybe a small war or Two the world needs some problems here and their and make sure its not close to my sons or about religion. Also avoid the newer races as they are already battling for control don't need new projects ended so quickly.)

Kulema ( Will do Great father I will take my leave and get on the tasks you set for me right away and plan it out properly with Waxer good day.)

Kulema leaves his office in a better mood and makes a cruel smile as she makes her way to Waxers room. Zeke then turns to his interface and sends a message to Raiva about the band lift on the surface but to report in regularly. He then turns his attention to his screen and watches as  a Cracter woman is foraging in a private forge within the great Union hall as she tries to make a sword but seems dissatisfied with every one she makes but tries to create the right sword of her liking as a older Cracter woman appears.

Otua ( Lanya have you not made the a sword of the right quality yet why have you tossed away such beautiful swords these are all of great quality for a crafter of your years?)

Lanya ( I believe I can do better then this I want to reach the heights of the great Kayana who I am a descent of. I need to show those old bats upstairs that its not about those who can wield the great tool.  I will show these old bats that its not by those who can and can not by judging the old standards and make them see a new light.)

Otua ( Child you are so bent on such a topic to reform the elders but it is not time for that hurry up and present your sword by tomorrow night or you will have to retrain.)

Lanya watches as Otua leaves as she takes a seat and stare right into the forge as she tries to think of the many forging methods that will improve her craft. She then looks to her tools and signs and then goes out for a walk to clear her head. She then makes way over to a pub and sits at the bar and drinks some booze to get her thoughts going. Then as the night darkens in the bar a stranger sits next to her and speaks.

??? ( Why you seem down in the dumps young one what is your problem?)

Lanya ( Ugh I have to forge a sword to my liking and submit it to get evaluated by the elders so they can tell me every thing wrong with it if I want to be a high blacksmith. But none of them are any good at all they just seem to be lacking something but I don't know why.)

??? ( A smith huh? why don't you take this and don't worry I think your problems will be fixed after you take a look.)

Lanya looks around and the stranger is gone and a box is left on the table for Lanya she looks inside to find a metal ingot. She goes back to her forge and then tempers the metal but no matter the heat the ingot does not melt. But after raising the heat to its highest she finally manages to forge it and finds it to be very light and tough causing the sword she makes to be unrivaled in strength. Once reviewed the elders were questioning her deeply on the mewl but she said no word about it as it soon started to appear in her forages only when she is foraging. Her weapons were to be the highest quality and no other master could reforge after it set when she finished. They say she was gifted by a spirit of metal to use the newly named Lanyite.

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