Meeting up with a friend and Burritos

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Several months later Zola is now in a hammock behind a restraunt. He is relaxing after traveling many miles to get to this city. As he relaxes in the cool breeze a  being approached from the back exit of the restraunt, it then speaks to him

Cider ( I don't know if you are aware but this is private property, and you are tresspassing so please gather your things and leave or I will call my husband to deal with you.)

Zola ( I'm not harming anyone plus I think your husband wouldn't mind if I slept here under the sky and smelling the nice scents your places is making.)

Cider ( Oh so you know my husband so well huh? Then why don't we call him to see his real response. Honey their is a holagain behind the restraunt tresspassing do you mind dealing with him.)

Oba ( Certainly dear I will handle this.)

Zola waits in his hammock as a large man appears from the door welding a cleaver and showing a calm face. He the walks up to the hammock and then flips it over having Zola fall to the ground. He then grabs Zola by the back of the collar and pulls h up to his face. As he does he looks Zola right in the eyes and was about to say something but frozen in the spot. He then realizes what he has done and who he has done it too. Zola looks at Oba a bit angry at his rash decisions in handling the situation at hand but knows how lovey dicey he is with Cider. Oba feels a cold sweat fall down his back as he knows he just attacked his creator in a vessel without sending it.

Zola ( Now I believe we can settle this without violence now can we stranger?)

Oba ( Y Yes we can I seemed to have made a rash decision just now.)

Zola ( I agree so let's calm down and talk about this, but first can you please put me down?)

Oba quickly realized his actions and puts down Zola and stays still as Zola dusts himself off. Cider watches her husbands change and is now concerned by it knowing he is usually protective and beats up any thug that tries to talk back or muscle up. But now he was standing still and seemed nervous by this weird looking stranger he just threatend.

Zola ( Now first things first my name is Zola and I am a Dread wanderer. You might have heard stories about me but if not its all good I prefer to be low-key. Now I believe a proper introduction is ment for is it not?

Oba ( Ah yes it is my name is Oba and this is Cider we are the owners of this restraunt. I am sorry for getting physical with you just now I don't like anyone who harasses my wife.)

Cider ( Honey are you okay?)

Oba ( I'm fine my little applepie I just rushed out without thinking too much. Now I will talk with this man, can you go inside and finish the prep for me?)

Cider ( Of course honeybun I will but call me if you need anything. )

Oba ( I will applepie I will.)

Cider goes back inside slowly and is gone Oba turns back to Zola who is now smiling at him.

Oba ( I didn't know it was you, if I did I wouldn't have been so rough with you just then.)

Zola ( Well it's fine I forgive you and your actions knowing how you are with your love. So it's water under bridge, now tell me something have you told her?)

Oba ( I have told her about my situation a bit but not much detail just yet. I want to tell her when the time is right.)

Zola ( I see well as long as it comes out to her then it's fine but now I have a favor of you.)

Oba ( Favor of me aren't you on mission of some sort? Well what is it that I can do for you stranger.)

Zola ( I have to introduce the burrito to the world as part of my mission, and a thought came to me when I realized that the god of cooking himself is only a few months walk away. So I hurried here to get your help in introducing Burritos to the world and having them spread.)

Oba ( How interesting that you have to spread such a specific food. What importance does it hold to you?)


Oba is taken back but Zola's sudden aggression and musters up the words to respond,

Oba ( Yes I will help you in your mission to make and spread the burrito, and I apologize for angering you on the subject.)

Zola ( It's fine I'm sorry for yelling but do not ask again on such matters. Now if you don't mind can you lead me into the kitchen of yours and give the tour.)

Oba leads Zola into the kitchen and surprise Cider by such actions. She is wide eyed and a bit speechless as her husband who doesn't even let her in the kitchen much is now showing a stranger he just attacked around. After the days end Zola goes to an inn and makes plans to meet up with Oba later tomorrow to start his plan. Once gone Oba turns around to see Cider standing behind him with an angry concern look.

Cider ( What is going on and what did he do it say to you?)

Oba ( Nothing sweetie I just decided to listen to his idea on a new food item we can make after you went inside.)

Cider ( Oba please stop lying to me. I know when you lie, don't look me in the eyes and seem quite then your normal loud self. Now tell me what did he do to you, if he threatened you we can report him to the guards.)

Oba ( He didn't threaten me at all sweetie, I just thought of my actions and that is all.)

Cider ( I thought you trusted me with all your secrets, but now you keep trying to beat around the bush and tell me sweet nothings. Now tell me the truth Oba if you respect our love and years spent together. Don't I have the right to know?)

Oba exhales and then looks at his wife of many years he then pulls a chair out to her. He motions her to sit down and she does as he pulls a chair for himself. He then looks at his wife right in her eyes and speaks,

Oba ( I will tell you the truth that you deserve to hear but before I do I want you to swear to never tell another soul about what I'm gonna tell you.)

Cider ( I swear to the goddess Kulema if I do I will fall into the soul realm.)

Oba ( My real name is not Oba, it is Obitel and I'm not a mortal but the God of Cooking himself.)

Cider looks at her husband and her eyes go wide. She stares at him for many minutes without changing her face one bit. She then looks at him and says,

Cider ( For some time I have suspected that you were different form other people. When you first cooked for me and I tasted your food i was lost for words. As time went on and I witness for knowledge you knew and things you made I knew you were different. But for you to class you are an uppergod is where I draw the line if you don't prove to me right now you are who you claim to be then I will walk out of this restraunt and never come back.)

Oba looks at his wife's serious face and knows she is speaking the truth. Nods his head and goes to the kitchen and returns with a knife. She looks at him with no fear in her eyes as he stabs himself in the chest. Cider then stands up and rushes to him as she think he has gone insane but stops at the site of the wound.

She looks as she sees not blood but pure light coming out of his chest and then looks into his eyes as they shine beautifully at her. He then pulls the knife out of his body and his wound heals up quickly and reverts back to its original state unscard. The two then have a long talk that night as he explains everything he can to her and that Zola is actually the great god Zeke and how he has a godhood awaiting her for when she passes on.

The next day comes and Zola is now in the empty restraunt being stared at by Cider who questions him nonstop on all the info she has learned the previous night. Oba comes and then get their Burrito plan underway, the three of them for several months develop the many ingredients and methods to spread through the merchants guild. Zola is then credited for its creation and hopes that it will grow to a global scale. Unknown to him until his return to the god realm is that an entire town will be founded on the grounds of perfecting the perfect burrito and that Zola will be dubbed Baron of Burritos. Having an entire festival dedicated to Burritos and the great god Zeke who was said to bless the food as his favorite, spread by the oracles for the church who server the great goddess.

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