Problems Arise

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Far away from the city of justice as the brothers sleep a being walks in the moonlight and seems to be a gigalon man who is covered in hair and is wearing a pair of pants. The gigalon has no name as he grew up in the forest y his father and was trained in the way of Sequoia goddess of nature. His father raised him away from villages and cities and thought him how to hunt and forage in the forest and to use magic to enhance his body to become stronger. His father soon develop a new type of magic that covers the user in hair and increase their strength twice over. It  makes him more animalistic and faster giving him fangs and claws.

He is now traveling in the night we he stops and meets eye to eye with a being who is a woman is a hod and seemed to have a mask. It was Walsia the hunter and hero of sequoia Walsia was hired by a local village to hunt a large beast that has been killing their live stock and injuring their men. As she tracked the beast for several weeks she finally is now face to face with what she assume is the beast. She looks at the being and recognized that he is a gigalon who is quite fit and seems cautious of her,

Walsia ( So are you are the beast that has been killing livestock huh?)

??? ( No your words are wrong I did nothing to anyone I hunt and live that is all I kill to eat not for sport.)

Walsia ( So you confess to the crime of hurting people and killing live stock cause you were hungry. So I will say this now stand down and come with me and be Judged by the village for your crimes against them or I will have to use force.)

??? ( I commit no crime you say I did all I do is hunt beasts in the forest so get out of my way or I will have to make you>)

Walsia ( You seem to not know who you are talking to right now so now let's do this.)

Walsia then shots a barrage of arrows from her crossbow and disappears from his site as he jumps out of the way and hides behind a tree. He then tries to look around for the woman who is attacking him and he only dodges the arrows that come at him. He then locates her in the branches and starts to climb the trees while dodging the arrows. Walsia keeps up her barrage of arrows at the man but he dodges at a quick pace and seems to be using a form of magic that helps him move faster. 

Walsia then activates her magic arrows and shots them at him but when he dodges several hit his back and confuses him. He then looks at the other arrows and senses some magic one them that makes the track the prey shot at. He tries to dodge the arrows but can't shakes them seeing this he activates his magic and turns into a large hairy beast and then Walsia loses sight of him and trues to follow her arrows but they were destroyed. When she looks at her arrows then she senses a feeling behind her and ducks out of the way. She looks behind her and sees the man in a different form as if he was another being entirely she looks at him and is shocked by his sudden change.

She jumps out of the way trying to shot several arrows at him but then but dodges out off the way of the man swinging his arm breaking through an entire tree. Seeing the attack he tried to use on her makes her use her magic in his chest and makes room between the two of them. The man takes up a new stance but then senses the woman power swelling up and making him be on edge for not seeing a power this strong ever. Then he rushes her and grabs her by the waist and tightens his grip on her. As he tries to say something all of a sudden a large force hits his opens side letting her go as he goes flying through several trees and plants. As he tries to get up various vines and roots wrap at his arms and legs. He rips some off but can't do it too much because he for the surprise attack. 

As he tries to keep fighting back he starts to get over whelmed but none of his attacks seem to be working anymore after getting hit. As he is now restraint by the woman and tries to keep on attacking but knows he is restraint.

Walsia ( You are much stronger then you look but that whole transformation thing is incredible no wonder they wouldn't have been able to track you. Since you transformed so much it makes sense now, so now I will have to hall you back to the village now so be a good boy and stay quiet.)

??? ( You attack me and keep accusing me of things I did not do I hunt in the forest not the villages you say I did. Im out looking for a beast who scent I picked up recently and then several days later you attacked me. I am not the one who attacked any village you attacked me so now release me.)

Walsia ( How can I even believe you at all huh you fit the descriptions and they size of the beast. )

As the two yell at each other some more than they hear a large roar and then all of a sudden a large tree starts moving. It then hits Walsia and she gets knocked away by it large arm and then the man falls to the ground as the vines fall limp. The large man falls to the ground as both of them look at the tree beast as it roars at the two and charges Walsia as it seems to it she is the bigger threat. Walsia watches as the beast charges her and tries to load her crossbow but seems to not be fast enough as hit charges it then goes flying away from her as the man in his transformed state slams the beast away. Walsia looks at the man he was hunting just bought her time and loads her arms up and starts to shoot the beast.

The two of them start to fight the tree beast as best they can both being injured and the monster ambushing the two. Walsia mange to keep the monster at a distant and even help supports the man from afar as he slashes and claws at the beast. After a few hours of fighting the beast is slain by the two of them makes them stop and rest from the fight looking at each other and seem to be understand each other as they nod and Walsia apologizes to him saying it was just a mistake on her end. As the two look at each other and seem to be regaining their selves when all of a sudden an intense atmosphere surrounds them as they feel unable to move or even look around.

When they mange to one their bodies to a degree to see where they can see a body of a small woman standing in front of them as sweat covers the two from head to toe. the small woman looks at the two and says no and walks away from them turning into to mist. The two watch as she goes away and feel their instincts kick in saying that was a predator they could not beat even if one of them is a Hero chosen by a god.

The two did not realize that this being was a very dangerous one in the future that even the gods would know nothing about. Especially since it was not on their radar let alone on their planet and the only god who could was now in a battle with the being in a space she has never been in are let alone heard of as blood travel down her arm. She looks at the small woman who is looking at her and saying to stand down then the environment turns dark as the battle goes on.

Well you died and are now GOD.Where stories live. Discover now