Three Sons

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Arti ( Oh whig bards sing s about a bear in the dessert as a hero? All I have done was slay some monsters and guarded some merchant.)

Viam ( Brother he only looks like some old man that seems to be able to use a sword, but he doesn't seem to be some hero.)

Dusza ( Yeah he's the only Piber in the city all the shop keepers say. Now since he's no Hero lets leave the old man alone and go to the merchants stalls and bye some fruit.)

Viam ( I want to buy a scroll instead I want to write about the stories mim reads to us.)

Jirka ( Mom said we each can buy a snack with the money she gave us not a scroll we can try and find one to use later at home.)

Arti ( So you kids are on your way to the stalls to buy snacks huh?)

Dusza ( We are old man and you are not invited to come with us for we were told not to follow strangers.)

Arti ( I wasn't asking you to follow me at all I was gonna say that ice shavings with fruit syrup on it is the best snack in this hot city. But I am just an old man who knows nothing at all so I will take my  leave and go on my way.)

Viam ( Well we will be on our way then goodbye old man.)

The three brothers run off and make their way to the stall mentioned by the man as they talk about the stall he mentioned and was. fruit ice he mentioned and how good is it really. They reach the stalls and start looking around they see the stall and go up to see what they are making they look at all the fruit and a. large block of ice is floating on a decide that makes it into shavings and the three brothers are interested in the shaved ice now and go to the clerk and buy three portions all different flavors. 

When they buy their snack they go to a shady tree and and start to eat their ice and even they get brain freezes but laugh it off. After finishing they talk to each other,

Jirka ( That old man seem to be hiding something from us mom said he's lived in the city for the last six years. But all the bards and story tellers have said that a Hero lives in the city, Viam do you have any stories about the so called hero?)

Viam ( No mom has never mentioned  any heroes stories but have read us stories of the gods, monsters and fighters. But no Heroes at all making the songs they sing fake right?)

Dusza ( But mom said that their was Heroes who saved the world from the monster king and some even gave up their lives in doing so is mom a lair ??)

Jirka ( Mom is no liar so we just have to look more into it when we get home and ask mom the details.)

Dusza ( What every you say bro I'm interested in this whole heroes thing sounds fun. )

The tree brothers then start to make their way home when all of a sudden they hear a girls voice seeming to be telling a story. When they looked at the site the voice was coming from a ten year old girl is sitting at a fountain. When they got closer they hear the girl singing in a song that sound like a story they then listen to her as she holds a harp. She sings a song that seems to tell they story of the seven heroes and some of their fights. As they watched the area around her was filled with cloud of many colors and seem to telling the story she sings.  They appear to be floating in the air capturing the crowd she has formed.

They boys and road watch as the song goes on and are looking at the changing cloud and figures fighting but the figures don't have that many details at all. When the story ends the girl reappears and Jirka gets a look at her before she leaves and sees her horns and is interested in why they seem different. The girl looks at Jirka and smiles at him and waves before disappearing into the crowd after collecting her donations. 

Viam ( Brother are you okay you've been looking at nothing for a couple moments after listing to the story.)

Dusza ( Yeah that you seem to be looking into that wall. Do you like it that much? I should tell mom you are in love with a wall.)

Jirka ( Shut up I don't like walls lets get home and ask mom about the heroes and return home we will be late if we don't make way home.)

The three of them return home to see their mother at home they see her in the kitchen preparing dinner for the night as greets her three sons. They ask her about the heroes and the if the piber they ran into earlier was one of them. Laura tells her sons about the heroes and says that she doesn't know them at all. She then says to them to wash up and get ready for dinner and their she will give them more info on the heroes. 

Laura tells them about their fight in the city and them slaying a monster general while wielding a divine shield to hold them back. Jirka then mentions today they say a story teller singing about the heroes and even using some sort of magic to make to seem real. Laura then listens to her sons day together and how they found a new stall to buy cool snacks from ad asked her to read them a story tonight at bed time. She agrees saying she will always read to them at bed time no matter what. Later in the night the brothers are now in their bed covered in the warm blanket and looking at their mother holding the story book and excited to hear a new story.

She opens the book and starts to tell a story about a spirit born from darkness and light that roams the world looking for those to make very powerful deals with. The spirit has the body of a Seeker but no horns and its face is a mask that looks like a skull that is decorated with paint that makes it glow in the dark. It also wears a hat that is made of straw that is dyed white and a weird suit on its body. The spirit met a young man was made a deal with the spirit the spirit will give the young man any one thing he wanted but needs to watch his words when requested. The young man asked the spirit to make his love interest obsessed with him. The spirt agrees and says it will be done but it can never be undone even if he asks again. So the young mans love then starts fall for him more and more but then starts to turn crazed for him. She would stalk him every where and even made threaten him with a knife several times for just going to get bread. After only a month of his wish he summons the spirit again and asks to undo his wish but the spirit only chuckles and says he should have watched his words and fades away. Later that night the man was killed by his love and the spirit appears in another city and starts to make a new deal.

Dusza asks his mother why would the spirit do such things and why would the man not they to woe the woman instead of making a deal. Viam says that it was the mans own words that caused his troubles. Laura agrees with her son and says that you must not take the simple route in life and must try and fail to get to what you want. She also mentions that their are some beings in this world who wish harm upon them and that they need to be smart and even aware of those seeming to help them. The three children then are put to sleep for the night by their mother and fall into sleep their self. Unaware to the children and even the gods that when the boys reach the age of ten they will have to face a very intense fight that no one wants but now will have to face in due time.

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