Crashing Snow and Encounters

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??? ( Why hello their. I see someone has notice my existence here how very rare you seem to be able to sense mana even if you are a monster, or at least half of one.)

Glacera looks over the giant with his guard up knowing to be weary of the giant, he keeps trying to make his ice magic appear but it won't come. Then the giant bends down outting his arms on his legs,

??? ( I see you seem to be trying to use magic to attack me but ill say the type of magic you are using to try to attack me but it won't work.)

Glacera looks at the giant and stops using his magic to attack sensing the giant is telling the truth. He then slowly backs away but the feels a wall behind him and quickly turns around to see a large wall now behind him and he didn't even sense it at all. When he turns around he is being grabbed by the giant and try to escape but can't.

??? ( Calm down small bear I mean you no harm, you seem different from the others some what smarter. I find this very interesting, I'm glad to find the task I was given lead me to find such a peculiar being. Hm some thing seems familiar about you but I can't put my mind on what it is.)

Glacera keeps trying to escape but to no avail, he is then put down by the giant and then takes his chance to make space between the two of them. Zeke watches the scene and wants to give the child a gift to give him an advantage over his settlement. He opens his interface and then pulls out some metal , then starts to form it into a large hammer on one side and a pick on the other. Once finish he made a large hammer he named Crashing Snow and then sends it to Kiviku who is interacting with Glacera. Kiviku receives the hammer and is surprised by Zeke's actions but then understands that Glacera is related to the goods some how.

??? ( Looks like some one very important likes the way you act and wants me to gift. Now here this is yours and only yours any one who tries to take it will feel an unbearable cold and freeze to death if they don't let go. its called Crashing Snow remember that when you decide to speak.)

The giant throws a item from his hand and it lands in front of Glecera and then looks at the it, he now sees a large hammer that sees to made of shiny stone and ice. He looks at the giant a bit wary and slowly walks towards the hammer the size of him. He grabs the handle of the hammer and then feels his magic surge through the hammer and slowly lifts it off the ground as if it was weightless. Then when he looks back to the giant he is gone and the snow is back to what it looked like before. He quickly searches around the wooded area but finds no trace of the giant at all but only the hammer he gave to him.

When he returns to his hut with the hammer and sets it down near a wall, he then starts to inspect the hammer some more and draws it into his book. He draws it the best he can and even tries to write the name he was told in their broken langue. He finishes his tasks and goes to sleep, when he awakes and starts to prepare for the day.

Zeke now has a confused Kiviku in front of him bowing and having a question for Zeke to answer, Zeke then starts to talk to his grandchild,

Zeke ( Kiviku how very rare to see you come to me of your own accord what can I be of assistance  too you for?)

Kiviku ( Great Grandfather I wish to know what connection does that small monster have to the gods?)

Zeke ( Ah you mean Glacera  well to put it in easy terms he is your brother, your father Zivel is a bit of an active god.)

Kiviku looks up at Zeke with a very complex and confused face at the comment he just heard and then remembers his older sister Sequoia also has different mother. Zeke then explains more to him about when he made Zivel he didn't expect him to be so rambunctious. Kivku then asks if Zeke always as if he watches over them, Zeke says yes and that if they stray off the wrong path he will gladly reach out to them in different ways to correct them. Kiviku's eyes then go wide and realizes that Zeke was Zericho and helped him get through one of his hardest moments of his life.

Kiviku then grows to the size of Zeke who is a bit surprised at Kiviku's sudden growth and then he stands to look him in the eyes. Then Kiviku embraces Zeke in a giant hug and Zeke is a bit surprised by this action. He hugs him back and then Kivkiu talks to Zeke,

Kivku ( Thanks you so much, thank you if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have seen the good in my actions and would have stayed depressed and hurt. )

Kiviku lets go of Zeke and then apologizes for not asking for permission to hug him but Zeke says its fine since its for a nice reason. He then explains to Kiviku that he has always cared for his gods even his Demi gods, he also tells him how his race was created by his own cousin and how Keta is going to be blessed by Kiviku if he wants. After some time Kiviku leaves the throne room to go about his business tot bless his daughter.

Zeke then looks over to his realm and decided to improve it and remodel it to be a true god realm while he opened his interface and played music in the background. He starts to make his realm resemble a white palace with nature growing all around it. He would make waterways and many open window corridors, the floors are tiled with a seemingly complex look but he makes it nice and equal. He then makes the hallways large enough for even him to have space to at least do a back flip or the likes. He then progress to connect the rooms to the hallways each having its own private hallway. He then realizes that all the gods don't have a symbol to represent them besides their statues or simple name tags so he then goes to every gods hallway and asks them what they would like for them to be represented by.

He keeps creating the interior as he starts to approach each of his gods, he also looks down to see more jury beings and souls walking around and handling managing tasks between the realms. He then stops and looks at single Jury female who seems to be reading documents holding a large stack of papers and walking she doesn't notice and walks right into Zeke's leg. When she falls down and sees her papers scatter all over the floor she starts to quickly pick them up. She then begins to speak while looking down,

??? ( Ah sorry I wasn't looking I was just reading this document about the soul reform and expansion and how the space seems to be Lessing and Lessing, and I was trying to help find a new way to deal with it but honestly I would prefer to listen to the songs of paradise or teaching the new jury children. But I'm stuck on this on help establish these upward buildings and how the new staff to run the building and their training but I have  so much on my plate.)

As she chatters on about he a bounden of tasks and trying to collect the large amount of papers she drop she has still not noticed who she ran into. Her name is Aruno and she is a new hire who is a easy to dump work on too. The surrounding souls and juries watch with fast beating hearts and breathing heavy as seeing the clumsy girl has ran into the top of top and hasn't even noticed . They all keep quite as some run off to inform their respective gods to help in the situation, some try to rush to tell her but Zeke puts his hand up to stop them. Aruno is then handed a stack of papers by Zeke who she ran into and thanks him so and then looks up to apologize again,

Aruno ( Thank you so much for the help and once again..I...a....................... AHHHHHHHHHHHHH)

Well you died and are now GOD.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant