Adventure in the cave of the two lovers

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Back on the sand continent Celesti is currently running through the desert away from a group of hooded figures with glowing green eyes. Time has past and Celesti is now a young adult and is being chasesed for the location of the cave and the only key to access it the mirror. They are making progress slowly to her and she is getting tired, eventually they surround her and draw their blades to keep in in place as it seems the leader is about to slash at her she closes her eyes to await the pain but it never came. 

The leader feels nothing from his hand and looks at it to see it was not their anymore and has been cut off. The group of figures than started to feel attacks too their open stances but non of them can see the figure doing the attacks. Then they all see a small bird appear in the sky and it seems to be wearing a golden collar, it was red with black patterns. It dives in and kills several of the figures in seconds then the rest of them using only magic  afterwards.

Celesti watches the scene and is a bit scared when the bird lands on the ground couple feet in front of her. The bird waits there looking at her a bit worried and chirps to her. She then starts to calm down and breath she noticed the bird doest have any of the killing intent it had earlier and was keeping its distance from her. She then manages to stand up and then carefully watch the bird, she tries to determine what type of beast or monster it was since it doesn't seem to from any of the places recorded in any scrolls. It was red and had dark patterns but what caught her eyes the most was the gold collar around its neck meaning it has an owner.

She then motions over to the bird and it starts to chirp happily and then flies over to her and lands on her hand and chirps as if talking to her. She decides that the bird is harmless to her and it perches on her shoulder and she starts to talk to it as she walks through the desert to the closest mountain. Tiamo who saw the scene and knew she could do nothing to the figures made an apostle out of his divine power to protect her from them. The bird is called a Divine robin and embodies the ideals of Tiamo and was the first every apostle to exist. Celesti knowing it was different from other beast similar to it has decided to name it Twitlet and it started to journey with her to the cave and keeps beast away from it.

Eventually they reach the mountain base and start to climb it to the top as she reads through a map she has found in an abandoned village. She found the village several years ago when she read about it being abandoned by the people over 100 years ago because of a powerful monster making the village its territory. When she was at the village she found a large skeleton their dead and inside the former chiefs house the map was hidden in a secret room. She followed the map but was followed by the hooded figures who want the map for their cause or some reason.

She's been running away from them fr years now and this was the closest they have gotten to her and taking her lead on the story. She found out they are called the emerald claw and they are a underground society known to work for nobles to kill each other and to steal things for the highest bidder. Now they are after her and her map knowing she is on the right travel to finding the mentioned treasure. She's on the run for the longest since they been on her trail and now they seem to be on her. 

Now she is on the side of the mountain with Twitlet on her shoulder and she is now in front of a louder with a cut out in the shape of the mirror. She puts the mirror in the hole and then takes it out and it then opens up to reveal a cave that seems small and hard to enter with out a lantern. When they enter the cave the boulder returns to covering them and they are now in pitch darkness. Celesti sighs as she has no later on her but then a bright red light shines on her shoulder and Twitlet is glowing lighting up the cave.

Celesti is surprised by the glowing bird and then pushes it aside in her mind and then makes her way through the cave. When they progress through the cave she notices the floor of the cave is full of plants and flowers the further she goes into the cave then she reaches a giant open cave and in the back end of it was a giant mural. They walk up to the mural and it's of the two lovers from the story and they are holding the mirror to given to the woman. She looks over the mural some more and touches it and feels many indents in the surface of the rock. 

Then as she does the cave is enveloped in a bright light and Celesti turns around and sees in the center of the cave a figure starts to take shape and it takes the shape of a Male dread that seems to made up of stone and flowers then its eyes glow red and he stares at Celesti and roar comes from it as it now charges at Her. She sees this and dodges out of the way as it slams into the mural and then resembles into its form. She tries to think of a method to fight this thing but Twitlit slams its body into the other wall of the cave and then flies around looking at the monster .

Then the bird is grabbed by a vine made of the flowers then gets pulled in but then he enlarges to a bigger size and slams in once again. Then as the two fight on in the wall another being starts to form out of the the being seeming to be only made of the vines from the first. twitlit tries to attack that one but the first being holds it back as the second one who is a dread female starts to lash at her as she runs away. As the assault goes on and Celesti tries to think of how two fight back against this being but then she recalls the the note.

She looks around the cave and sees the light from the cave appear in different spots and it changes when the lights of there eyes meet. She manages to get into the spot light and they stop coming after her and stop moving as she gets to another spot one after the other. Then after several more moments of going to each spot of light the light engulfs the room once again and the two beings then stop in front of the mural and Twitlit returns to Celesti's shoulder after getting back to normal.

She realized that they won't attack her if she stands in the light and trusts in the light to not harm her at all. When they were done they hold hands and dissolve away smiling at her and she looks at the mural once again and sees it has now changed. It opens up and reveals a large staircase leading up and then she walks forward and up it and sees the walls are filled in hand prints going along the walls of the stairs. Then they arrive at the end of the stair way she is now at a room with two skeletons in it that are holding each other.

She then looks at the walls around the skeletons and see a bunch of dried blood and writing on the walls from the blood. She then starts to read the old way writing and it says that they eloped and ran away but the emerald claw poisoned the man on the orders of his own father. She managed to drag him back to their cave and brought him to this space, She then cuts her wrist and writes farewell to the next lovers who find this and to destroy the emerald claw. She then slashes her wrists and dies next to her lover embracing him.

Celesti then realizes that they whole treasure thing was a ruse made by the emerald claw to find the lovers and get their reward of a fortune delivering the bones to the father of the woman. She then looks at the mirror in her hands and destroy it and when she does the skeletons fade away and she here's thank you in her ear and the is enveloped in light. She is blinded by the light and then when it dries down she is now in a white space with a single chair in the middle of it Twitlit flies off her shoulder and lands on the back of the chair and chirps. Then as She looks at the bird below it to her surprised sees a boy sitting crossed leg in the chair.

She looks at the boy and then notices he has short ears and is not covered in the proper bandages at all. She then senses a large power off of the boy and is a bit scared by it but the boy is just smiling at her and then she listens to him speak to her.

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