Tournament of Gods (Part 4)

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Then the screens show who is vs who in the second round of matches, they look at the screen and the crowd talks among  themselves about who will win

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Then the screens show who is vs who in the second round of matches, they look at the screen and the crowd talks among  themselves about who will win. They are excited on how the first round of fights went and how they turned out to be. Even some of the mortals making it to the next round. Then Viota starts to make the announcement of the second round,

Viota ( Ladies and Gentlemen I present to you the first match in the second round!!!  The first half got everyone going and now the second half is underway in this round only four matches will happen and the first of those matches are match ones winner vs match two's winner. Now welcome to the field again Ulan the Unique slayer! On the other side we welcome to the field Eternina Goddess of Time.)

The two walk out of opposite sides and stare at each other ready for the the next round, when they both stop they are told the rules of the match. Which are the pervious ones with a shorter time limit. The two nod and the the match begins Ulan takes up a stance he is very familiar with holding his two batons in a different way. Eternina then summons a weapon to her side a maze that is glowing a bit, she rushes towards Ulan and then they both swing and deliver a powerful clash from their interaction.

Then both start to deliver similar slurs of blows to each other that gets deflected or blocked, Ulan seems to be using his most advance fighting style to counter every attack of the goddess knowing she is many times stronger then Kulema his pervious opponent. He feels as her hits seem to get heaver and more aggressive as he is get moved back agains his will. She doesn't take eyes off him at all she knows he is a very crafty and clever soul that avoided death when he was alive living longer then any normal of his kind. When she tries to deliver another blow Ulan dodges out of the way and tries to deliver a blow to her side.

He then quickly pulls back his hand and then jumps backwards making sure he had distance from her. She then smiles at him as she watches him sweat knowing he sensed her magic that will pause him from attacking her. He watched the match from before when she paused Kviku and delivered those blows to his abs. Ulan knows to keep distance away from her or just one pause and he's done. 

He then shakes his batons and they come loose on a sort of chain and then starts to spin them fast and then sends them flying at her as she backs out of its range. She smiles some more knowing that Ulan is more than cautious he is very cautious. She then runs at him in an unrivaled speed and then a chain comes flying at her and wraps around her arm and tightens. She then stops and pulls the chain on purpose and then the chain reverts back to its original position. Ulan looks at the scene and is surprised by the turn of events it seems like it just rewinded back to before he threw it.

 Then before he could understand anything his body then freezes and he looks around to why he can not move and then realizes Eternina was now touching his arm and was staring right into his eyes and he knew the next turn of events. Then before she can deliver her first blow to sides he yells out he surrenders. Eternina catches her blow before its hits and then pulls back and touches him again and he moves. Eternina starts to complement Ulan on his creativity in fighting over to a large space. She also goes on to how he used Kulema's own force to beat her and use her own weapon to win.

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