Catching up, New additions and Broken Hearts

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Zeke is now standing in his throne room stretching his arms up and his waist around as he feels better and more free. He felt as if a bunch of weight has come off his body and his no longer constraint by the vessel he has been in more over a year. He breaths in a large breath of air and exhales as he sits down and opens his interface after so long, he is them bombarded by a long list of achievements and notifications. 

[ Congratulations  Too you for your successes in following orders of the one above all and making your faith appear all over. As well as the respect of the heroes to help the people have something to believe in.]

[ Congratulations you have earned the title Messiah to your people.]

[ Congratulations you have helped your titled Heroes in their journey to slay the king of monster and have died in that journey. Your Vessel will be know in legends of the people as Zola the Guide of Heroes.]

[ Congratulations your Heroes are on the way too slaying in the kings of monsters.]

[ Congratulations your Vessel Zola has died saving the Heroes and leading them on the right path.]

[ Hero Royford has slain Monster General Ula ]

[ Hero Royford has be made a request to God Kiviku for more power as a trade for his first born and Kiviku agreed to it.]

[ Your people of the world have made a festival to you the great god in a newly established town called Burina and call it the Festival of Burritos.]

[ God Obitel has reveled his vessel to his mortal wife Cider with your approval.] 

[ God Tiamo is enraged by the actions of his parents and is imprisoned in the soul realm now by Goddess Kulema until you come to retrieve him for now.]

[ Mortal Celesti is now in the possession of God Infintino until you can pass judgement upon her soul and mind.]

[ God Tiamo has revealed to mortal Celesti about the gods interference and has now been locked up in the god realm for his actions until you return to pass judgement.]

[ The Dreads have discovered praying to God Solusa and have established church off the Sun.]

[ Hero Royford has been chosen by the sheild of the great one as its wielder.]

[ Hero Arti has discovered Monster General Gegre hidden amount the city of Justice and has slain him and his followers.]

[ Goddess Lige is now carrying with your child in her mortal Vessel Laura and will have to stay down their until the child is born. She can not return to the god realm until then.]

[ Vessel Zola is at a dangerous state of body and is close to complete shut down.]

[ Vessel Laura has force her she upon Vessel Zola to procreate.]

[ Vessel Zola has interacted and met the chosen Heroes of the gods.]

[ Demi God Trono has be tried the the court of the gods and found guilty of his actions, his soul has been imprisoned in a sword and hidden away on the surface until he has a true change of heart.]

[ Goddess Kayana has forge Divine Katana  Ocachi of striking thunder.]

[  Vessel Zola has the backing of the great church and saint.]

[ Goddess Kulema has created a dead zone on the eastern continent making sure no life will flourish on the the spot as long as she says so.]

[ Goddess Barluna was caring the child of God Solusa and have birth a daughter named Qiell a hybrid child who is now being raised in the realm of Gods.]

Well you died and are now GOD.Where stories live. Discover now