Holy child of the spirit's

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In the town of the Huntyar inside of the main hall all the officials are in an intense talk over a child born between the two largest clans. The two sides are arguing to see who has the right to the child and her gifts that the gods have bestowed her with. The two sides seem to be close to breaking out in to war against one another. Just as they seem to begin fighting the high priestess of the Grand church storms into the hall and uses her holy magic to force a barrier between the two sides. She then yells at the two sides saying their infighting over child they have blessed will only anger them.

The two sides glare at her but know they can do nothing against the high priestess, they sit down and wait for her to speak again. The priestess then says that the child must be raised by both sides equally so they will not anger the gods and the child will be of both clans. The two heads of the clans start to yell at the head saying the child belongs to the mothers clan because she is the birth giver. While the other saying she is theirs because the father gives the seed to make the child so she is theirs. 

The priestess stops their bickering and says if they go to war the child will be taken by the church and then neither side will get a say. The two start to say the church as no right over the child and if they try they will have a Great War to deal with. The two heads then start slander the church saying they get no  say in the matter belittling the gods in rage. The high priestess then slams her staff on the ground and says in a angry but controlled manor that their insults of the good will cause their destruction as she makes her way over to the child but the two sides try to intervene.

Just as they try to the ground shakes and the building starts to crack a break the two heads try to get to the child but when they close it a strange power stands them flying into the walls. Then the power stops and the two clans watch in confusing as the High priestess slowly walks to the child who has been sleeping the whole time unaffected by the environment. She takes up the child and says to the two clans that they have done this to themselves. If they wish to see the child they can under watch of the church.

She walks away with the child and ignores the glares at her back then saying that they caused this for angering the gods and there gods won't allow slander tho their church or followers. The priestess looks at the unnamed child and starts to think of what to call her and then appraises the child to see her gift.

[ Divine protection of The Spirit Kings of Light and Darkness]

Seeing this the priestess is wonders how this child gain favor from these supposed Kings and what rule do they play in that event just now. She wonders if the gods were the ones who really blessed the child and who exactly are these spirit kings. Zeke watches the scene and is a bit perplexed by the thought of the spirit kings being worshipped like gods and he didn't want that to happen so he quickly sends a message to Zivel to give. words to them and let them reveal themselves to the High priestess and allow her section of the church to develop spirit magic with the child as the starting base.

Several years pass after the events of the two clans and both clans have been quite about the matter but show aggression to the church ad its officials. The child who is now named Siera and is now 5 years old and is on her way in a carriage to the Churches capital city that she has been told about. She is going they're to meet the great saint and founder of the great church Livna the Benevolent and the one blessed by the gods themselves. Siera is a bit scared never leaving her temple before and having not seen the outside world much besides for her two sets of grand parents. 

As she travels to the capital her carriage is attacked by bandits her guards try too reply the menace but one of the bandits gets to the carriage and opens the door and shows a creepy evil smile. The bandit tries and grab Siera who he was hired to kidnap by one of the clans heads but as he reaches for the child is then sent flying by a black vine and slams into a tree. Then the carriage is field with darkness blocking the child fro view and then a pumpkin headed being emerges from the door and the fighting stops. On the other side of the carriage a large hooded woman falls from they sky enshrouded in light. The two beings are the same size and towering over everyone then the both look around and begin to speak.

Jackoli ( You insulate souls for hire have now anger the spirits and will now feel the wrath of us, you will regret your choice of actions.)

Theresea ( You dare try to harm the child we blessed because of some selfish ambition those who have lead you to this will feel our rage.)

The bandits watch the two meaning beings glare at them as they shake in pure fear and then the pumpkin headed one engulfs the right half of the area in darkness while the left has light rain down on them. The guards seem to be unaffected by the powers but the bandits sink into the darkness trying their best to escape while the ones being rained on are screaming in agony as the lights pierce their skin. The guards watch as nothing is left of the bandits and the two beings then disappear and the guard quickly rush to check Siera. 

Siera is laying down in her carriage knocked out by the two spirits to save her from seeing the sight they did to they made. Siera wakes up from her sleep and then asks what happen the guards say they manage to get rid of the bandits and say they are now back on track to the capital. She then feels light headed and lays down some more to get better, as they progress on their trip they finally reach the capital city of the church and are impressed by its large scale and beauty.

When they reach the gate they show the summons from the saint and are let in right away and are escorted by them to the grand temple. When they arrive in front of the temple Siera looks at it and is bit scared of what the saint would be like or say. When she enters the temple she feels a sense of power over come her and feels something exit her body and feels a bit unsafe. when she is now standing in front of the Saints private cambers and awaiting to enter. When she is told to enter the doors open and she starts to enter the room when she crosses the threshold two large lights exit her body and take form behind the threshold. She looks behind her and sees two large beings trying to enter the room but is stopped by some force. Siera is confused by the two large beings trying to enter and that the guards try to attack them but are knocked out by their auras. As more and more guards try to take out the unknown being an old woman passes Siera in the room and demands her guards to stop.

The old woman with short gray hair and several wrinkles on her face shouts at the fighting and makes them all stand down. This woman is the saint Livna and she does not allow such violence in the grand temple. She tells them to return to duty and then looks at the two Beings and release her ability. Jackoli and Theresea sense her power and know they can not over power her but she can not beat them ether and try to think of what to do until time stops around the four of them. As they sense the stop all four of them look around and then in the center is Eternina looking at Siera with a gentle smile and then snaps her fingers.

When she does the other 3 beings feel an unrivaled power and then understand who she is, Jackoli and Theresea bow right away and Livna bows gracefully. Siera looks at them confused but understands that if the saints bow then she bows a bit stiff. Eternina snaps her fingers again and it stops her power, she turns to Livna and begins to speak.

Eternina ( Hello their Livna you seemed to have aged well and have made the church grow to such great heights huh? My condolences for your brothers passing several years ago.)

Livna ( It's great to be blessed by your presence oh great goddess, what has caused you to come and grace us with yourself?)

Eternina ( I came to inform you all about not interfering with each other on the levels of causing wars. Also spirit kings please don't try to destroy divine barriers meant to protect their host.  Also Livna make it know that these are spirits and they are not the enemy of the church but can be allies if not angered. Now that I have said what I have go back to your business and play nice now or the gods will have to intervene and that will be very bad.)

They are now back to normal and then the two spirit kings stay behind the threshold like told and Livna and Siera are now sitting in chairs facing each other. Livna then explains that she would like to teach Siera to be an wife to the one of the next saints her grandson Livwu. But she wanted to ask Siera if she would like to accept her offer if not she will return to her former temple and be left alone to her own studies there. Siera thinks it over and then accepts the offer knowing the saint does not lie or go back on her she is the told more info by Livna about her future duties and then leads her to her future room and the two kings return to Sieras body as the two make way through the giant hallway of the temple.

Well you died and are now GOD.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin